Ultimate Clicker - Auto Click - Apps on Google Play
Ultimate Clicker automates any repetitive click/swipe/zoom in/zoom out gestures.
Ultimate Clicker is an easy to use and powerful tool that helps you perform any click, swipe, zoom in, and zoom out gestures repetitively. It's totally FREE. You can also customize delay time, loops, and duration for each gesture to perform more complex tasks.

System requirement:

The Use of Accessibility Service Declaration:
Ultimate Clicker requires accessibility service permission to perform click, swipe, zoom-in, and zoom-out gestures for you. It does not access or collect any data thorough accessibility service. You will have the choice to accept or deny the declaration while using the related features.
Install Ultimate Clicker now and start enjoying it!
What's New
- Bug Fixes (Android 12) - fixed blocked screen issue
- UI Enhancements - re-design single selection dropdown
*Special Features*
- Ads Full Removed
- Removed Ad-Banner
- Removed Ad-Video
- Removed Unwanted Permission, Services & Activity
- Removed Debug Info
- Supported CPU Architectures : Universal
- Modded By Arcaxia | @Arcaxia
- Total Apk Size : 7.7 MB