Solved War of empire conquest

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Awesome Active Platinian
Hi there hope u all fine,
I have a game needed to be moded, who is me!?
Im New in modding i have just moded 3 games after learning but unfortunatly im using ANDROID so, they were all with ill2cpp file but that one doesnt have so it needs PC for dumping
# if u dont want to mode it all just get me the offset file and i will proceed
# thank u all
Game Name?!! :
War of Empire
First of all read the tutorials, then dump it ( and global-meta.dat) with AutoDumper easy to find on github by just googleing it. And find in the forum the right hex values to modify the values. Sounds easier than it is but thats how we all start.
#thanks for replying
# but i already get into that in other games like farm village and some othees but this one isnt ill2cpp file and thers is no metadata file too
#so ican nither dump the ill2cpp nor meta data u get me?!!
#thanks for replying
# but i already get into that in other games like farm village and some othees but this one isnt ill2cpp file and thers is no metadata file too
#so ican nither dump the ill2cpp nor meta data u get me?!!

Il2cpp dumper only works on unity based (Il2cpp) games. If game doesn't have that, then you are most likely following the wrong approach.

Recheck the tutorials as you have clearly skipped important info.
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