Game Name: 未頌者之歌:異世界冒險奇譚
Google Play Store Link:
未頌者之歌:異世界冒險奇譚 - Apps on Google Play
The music is composed by Tsutomu Sakuraba, and the lyrics and singing are written and performed by Shigezuki Yuki. They will play the hymn of the unknown for you and take you to relive the excitement of Japanese pixel RPG!
APK Link:

未頌者之歌:異世界冒險奇譚 APK for Android Download
未頌者之歌:異世界冒險奇譚 0.6.29 APK download for Android. The music is composed by Tsutomu Sakuraba, and the lyrics and singing are written and performed by Shigezuki Yuki. They will play the hymn of the unknown for you and take you to relive the excitement of Japanese pixel RPG!

Cheat Requested:
- Attack multiplier
- One hit
- God mode
- Anything possible
No -> I don't have any modding experience
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