I want to mod an application installed on my tablet that allows to view the contents of files.
Before performing the mod i tested the process of get the apk, removing the signature, signing and re installing the apk (with adb).
The installation is done without errors.
But when I use the application it does not work properly.
There are no error messages, but I cannot see the contents of the files.
I think that either the application detects that the signature is not the original one and malfunctions on purpose or my process is not good...
Can you help me please?
Environment :
Here is the process used.
1 - retrieving apk from package with adb
2 - deletion of signature with winrar
3 - zip alignement
4 - signature key creation
5 - signing the apks
6 - install
Before performing the mod i tested the process of get the apk, removing the signature, signing and re installing the apk (with adb).
The installation is done without errors.
But when I use the application it does not work properly.
There are no error messages, but I cannot see the contents of the files.
I think that either the application detects that the signature is not the original one and malfunctions on purpose or my process is not good...
Can you help me please?
Environment :
Os version :
version android : 14 UKQ1.231003.002
tablet : redmi pad se
Here is the process used.
1 - retrieving apk from package with adb
- /adb pull /data/app/****/base.apk
- /adb pull /data/app/****/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk
- /adb pull /data/app/****/split_config.xhdpi.apk
2 - deletion of signature with winrar
- \WinRAR.exe d -IBCK base.apk META-INF
- \WinRAR.exe d -IBCK split_config.arm64_v8a.apk META-INF
- \WinRAR.exe d -IBCK split_config.xhdpi.apk META-INF
3 - zip alignement
- /build-tools/34.0.0/zipalign.exe -v 4 base.apk align_base.apk
- /build-tools/34.0.0/zipalign.exe -v 4 split_config.arm64_v8a.apk align_split_config.arm64_v8a.apk
- /build-tools/34.0.0/zipalign.exe -v 4 split_config.xhdpi.apk align_split_config.xhdpi.apk
4 - signature key creation
- keytool -genkey -v -keystore myKey.keystore -alias BNDLTOOL -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
5 - signing the apks
- /build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner sign --ks ./myKey.keystore --ks-pass pass:"*****" --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled true --v3-signing-enabled true --v4-signing-enabled false --out base.apk align_base.apk
- /build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner sign --ks ./myKey.keystore --ks-pass pass:"*****" --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled true --v3-signing-enabled true --v4-signing-enabled false --out split_config.arm64_v8a.apk align_split_config.arm64_v8a.apk
- /build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner sign --ks ./myKey.keystore --ks-pass pass:"*****" --v1-signing-enabled true --v2-signing-enabled true --v3-signing-enabled true --v4-signing-enabled false --out split_config.xhdpi.apk align_split_config.xhdpi.apk
6 - install
- /adb.exe install-multiple base.apk split_config.arm64_v8a.apk split_config.xhdpi.apk