Help! Two values have the same offset?


There is two values from two different dlls from have the same offset

I found out that two values from different dlls share the same offset, how would the game be modded
If two values share the same offset

Code example:

[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x30")]
private double SomeValue;

[FieldOffset(Offset = "0x30")]
public string Id;

Is it because the different data types or one is private other is public, I don't think so.

Note: this is a real code from a game but I changed the values names
I don't know the contextual background, but, since they're existing in different classes, there shouldn't be any problem. For example, 2 classes could be identical, the same field offsets, the same type of offset, if both use a different update function, there wouldn't occur any error. Otherwise, if the both field offsets exist in the same class, then, that seems to be an obfuscation (not sure, though).
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I don't know the contextual background, but, since they're existing in different classes, there shouldn't be any problem. For example, 2 classes could be identical, the same field offsets, the same type of offset, if both use a different update function, there wouldn't occur any error. Otherwise, if the both field offsets exist in the same class, then, that seems to be an obfuscation (not sure, though).
I'm using HxD editor to edit the offeet(in of the value "SomeValue" but is that means I'm editing the value "Id"?, is that why i can't install the game even after signing the apk. And i made those examples to make the question more general
I'm using HxD editor to edit the offeet(in of the value "SomeValue" but is that means I'm editing the value "Id"?, is that why i can't install the game even after signing the apk. And i made those examples to make the question more general
As i have understood from your comment, you are trying to edit a field offset directly in the library? Well, that's probably the cause of the game crashing. Trying to modify a field offset in HxD, it's not possible, so, i suggest you to inform yourself, and study modding deeper, to understand. Also, signing will not help with anything, if you initially just tried modifying a field offset in the lib.
As i have understood from your comment, you are trying to edit a field offset directly in the library? Well, that's probably the cause of the game crashing. Trying to modify a field offset in HxD, it's not possible, so, i suggest you to inform yourself, and study modding deeper, to understand. Also, signing will not help with anything, if you initially just tried modifying a field offset in the lib.
That's correct but any suggestions of where and how to start modding deeper. My least goal is to see how the game function
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