Help! How to hook if CompilerGeneratedAttribute is given


Solid & Active Platinian
How to Hook this
[CompilerGeneratedAttribute] // RVA: 0x671F78 Offset: 0x671F78 VA: 0x671F78
 // RVA: 0x192A2DC Offset: 0x192A2DC VA: 0x192A2DC
 public long get_Coins() { }

don't use address compiler , use this redline address then hook like this

long(*old_get_LonglExample)(void *instance);
long get_LonglExample(void *instance) {
if (instance != NULL ) {
return 9999999999999;
return old_get_BoolExample(instance);

HOOK_LIB("", "0x192A2DC", get_LonglExample, old_get_LonglExample);

i suggest look documentation from lglteam :
View attachment 546973
don't use address compiler , use this redline address then hook like this

long(*old_get_LonglExample)(void *instance);
long get_LonglExample(void *instance) {
if (instance != NULL ) {
return 9999999999999;
return old_get_BoolExample(instance);

HOOK_LIB("", "0x192A2DC", get_LonglExample, old_get_LonglExample);

i suggest look documentation from lglteam :
Thanks for this 😊.
(But Not Working)
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