Help! How to compare between String method with our Monostring input


i really want to know this is correct way to do unlink with String get_name ? I try to hook this method but it doesnt work

I use this MonoString
typedef struct _monoString
    void* klass;
    void* monitor;
    int length;
    char chars[1];

    int getLength()
        return length;
    char* getChars()
        return chars;

monoString *CreateString(const char *str) {
    monoString *(*CreateString)(void *_this, const char *str, int start, int length) = (monoString *(*)(void *, const char *, int, int))IL2CPP_H::Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE("mscorlib.dll"), OBFUSCATE("System"), OBFUSCATE("String"), OBFUSCATE("CreateString"), 3);
    int length = (int)strlen(str);
    return CreateString(NULL, str, 0, length);


This is how i hook it
monoString *(*get_name)(void *inst);
void (*org_EntityListUpdate)(void *object);
void new_EntityListUpdate(void *object) {
    if(player != NULL){
        auto name = get_name(object);
        if(name == CreateString("purple_coin_8")){
            if (!objectFind(object))


//hack thread
get_name = (monoString *(*)(void *))IL2CPP_H::Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE("Scripts.dll"), OBFUSCATE("Oak"), OBFUSCATE("FieldObject"), OBFUSCATE("get_Name"), 0);
DobbyHook((void *)IL2CPP_H::Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE("Scripts.dll"), OBFUSCATE("Oak"), OBFUSCATE("FieldObject") , OBFUSCATE("get_FieldObjectStatsBehaviour"), 0), (void *) new_EntityListUpdate , (void **) &org_EntityListUpdate);
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How did you solve it?

by using equals function
bool (*get_equals)(monoString *a, monoString *b, int type);

bool (*old_IsSubUnit)(void *instance);
bool new_IsSubUnit(void *instance)
    if(instance != NULL)
        monoString *a = CreateString("Evan");
        monoString *b = get_name(instance);
        if(get_equals(a,b, 5)){
            LOGD("Not Equals");
    return old_IsSubUnit(instance);

//hack thread
get_equals = (bool (*)(monoString *, monoString *, int))Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE("mscorlib.dll"), OBFUSCATE("System"), OBFUSCATE("String"), OBFUSCATE("Equals"), 3);

oh yeah you can also just hook Equals that has 2 param (string a, string b) i hook this equals cause il2cppgenerator hook diffrent equals
by using equals function
bool (*get_equals)(monoString *a, monoString *b, int type);

bool (*old_IsSubUnit)(void *instance);
bool new_IsSubUnit(void *instance)
    if(instance != NULL)
        monoString *a = CreateString("Evan");
        monoString *b = get_name(instance);
        if(get_equals(a,b, 5)){
            LOGD("Not Equals");
    return old_IsSubUnit(instance);

//hack thread
get_equals = (bool (*)(monoString *, monoString *, int))Il2CppGetMethodOffset(OBFUSCATE("mscorlib.dll"), OBFUSCATE("System"), OBFUSCATE("String"), OBFUSCATE("Equals"), 3);

oh yeah you can also just hook Equals that has 2 param (string a, string b) i hook this equals cause il2cppgenerator hook diffrent equals

What is the number 5 int *type parameter for?
What is the number 5 int *type parameter for?
its enum class to comparisontype
public enum StringComparison
    // Fields
    public Int32 value__; // 0x10
    public const StringComparison CurrentCulture = 0; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison CurrentCultureIgnoreCase = 1; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison InvariantCulture = 2; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison InvariantCultureIgnoreCase = 3; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison Ordinal = 4; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison OrdinalIgnoreCase = 5; // 0x0

like i said if u using absoluteaddress or BNM that has paramtype just hook Equals(String a, String b) but when i use il2cppgenerator i shoul hook this equals cause it have different param
its enum class to comparisontype
public enum StringComparison
    // Fields
    public Int32 value__; // 0x10
    public const StringComparison CurrentCulture = 0; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison CurrentCultureIgnoreCase = 1; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison InvariantCulture = 2; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison InvariantCultureIgnoreCase = 3; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison Ordinal = 4; // 0x0
    public const StringComparison OrdinalIgnoreCase = 5; // 0x0

like i said if u using absoluteaddress or BNM that has paramtype just hook Equals(String a, String b) but when i use il2cppgenerator i shoul hook this equals cause it have different param
Okay thanks
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