Rejected Request Moe! Ninja Girls v1.7.4 MOD APK



Game Name: Moe! Ninja Girls

Google Play Store Link: Moe! Ninja Girls - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: Download Moe! Ninja Girls latest 1.7.4 Android APK

Cheat Requested: Infinite Jewel (Gems) or Payment Removal

Have you tried any cheat engines?:

  • GameGuardian with Parallel Space w/64bit (Couldn't pinpoint the Jewel code)
  • Luckypatcher with Emulation and Payment redirect (Fails to allow transaction to pass through)
Mod Attempts:
  • User: lightningtrackmc attempted changing values in Java to allow a free payment
    • While this was unsuccessful long term, he did get the value to drop to $0.01 for a breif moment before the app blocked him out​
  • User: 123Human attempted with URET and JASI which gave the same results as previous.​


It's been a while since someone posted a request for this game.
I figured I would give requesting it a shot.
Hopefully someone with a lot more experience than I can figure this out.

  • The reason for wanting this mod is to further experience the story.
  • The story is time-gated behind a "Tickets" and "Jewel" currency (which you can acquire over time... VERY SLOWLY) and requires you to spend them to progress.
  • Each Season Chapter (Story) requires between 9-11 Tickets and 600-1500 Jewels to progress.
  • There are currently 20 Seasons in game and there are roughly 8-10 Chapters per Season.
  • You need roughly 2100-3000 Jewels per Chapter (this includes the cost of purchasing Tickets with Jewels), totaling 16,800-30,000 Jewels per Season, 336,000-600,000 Jewels for the entire 20 Seasons. (As of the current Seasons 1- 20, more will be added in the future.)
  • Infinite Jewels would allow you to purchase tickets with said premium currency (Jewels) and thus, proceed with the story.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for considering modding this! We appreciate your hard work!


Edit 1: My math was wrong. Decided to change that to reflect the proper numbers in how many Jewels it takes to complete the current story.
Edit 2: Changed formatting to make this absurd post easier to read. Sorry about that.
Edit 3: Added additional attempts at modifying game as well as extra criteria.
Edit 4: Added additional subsection labeled "Modding Attempts" to list the attempts, steps that were taken breifly, and an overview of the results.
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If anyone has tried something different for modding this game with no success, please let me know what you did so we can add it to the list.

The more community support we get, the better.

Hey guys, I tried my best to mod this apk. Currently, I am looking in the java source code, and discovered a few helpful things. First of all, this uses the IInAppBillingService class, and this is beyond my cracking ability. I am continuing to see if I can crack Tapjoy and give infinite mn-points, or make the button that changes mn-points into jewels give gems even without enough mn-points, etc. Any other thelp would be appreciated. This is all I have right now, that is definitely used in the purchase client.

This is, and has the purchase shit with it.
Do not fall for com.nttsolmare.sgp.e.a.a function, that's just a logging function that does nothing, you can easily fake it.
I will continue my modding endeavors until I finally find some piece that I can change on .smali files, and when that happens, the app will be modded. If I can figure that out, all future versions can be similarly modded. Happy reverse engineering!

I found a new gold mine in the source code.

This seems to create the main purchase packet, and I can tweak some of it, to see what happens. Wish me luck!
Hey guys! I figured it out! I have made every purchase go down to the price of 0.01$ USD, and allowed purchase of one package around 1000 times, meaning you will get 1000* times the amount of gems for 0.01% of the cost! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it completely free. I will keep trying, and if I manage to get it working completely, I will release the mod. Much love.
Bad news. I got the mod working for 1 second, then google blocked it. This method no longer works at all. I will have to find out the code that the apk uses to actually charge one jewels. If I can, I can just get rid of all reasons why one would need jewels, change it so it won't charge you any. That's the only way I can think of now, I am so sorry guys :(
I changed the price to 0.00, but google detected that the apk version wasn't the same as the original Moe Ninja Girls APK, and blocked the method I tried above completely. I will get back at it when I figure out what the other pieces of code do!
Also in the first post with the code, is it possible to redirect line 420-438 to be a success when failing to query billing services ?

I figured that luckypatcher may have attempted this but due to the anti-mod detection, it results in an auto fail.

If that's possible, you could redirect payments to literally nothing.

The only issue at that point is finding the code that detects alterations.
Also in the first post with the code, is it possible to redirect line 420-438 to be a success when failing to query billing services ?

I figured that luckypatcher may have attempted this but due to the anti-mod detection, it results in an auto fail.

If that's possible, you could redirect payments to literally nothing.

The only issue at that point is finding the code that detects alterations.
Is the purchase error code exactly 902 and nothing else? If so, I may have found something.
the exact error code that I kept receiving when I tried Lucky patcher was 902. I cannot confirm or deny that it could be a different number.

Let me be more specific. The wording here is awful.

The error code I continually got was 902 for purchasing with Lucky patcher. I used "InApp and LVL emulation" as that is usually the default to bypass paywalls.

Now if another error code pops up after that, I'm not sure as I only got the 902 error.

Thank you again Lightningtrackmc.
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