OA Outdated [18+] Cunt Wars v1.63 [Nutaku and non Nutaku], Mega menu mod, money, VIP, damage mod apk

A newbie questions.
"Signed" means you sign/log in on nataku? How is it possible. I'm playing on my phone and it always auto logging in on nataku.
Then "Unsigned" means you will be some kind of guest account??? What about account progress? What about multiplayer, fighting against real players who are signed?
I know how nataku is greedy and fked up when talking about games making em money. But still sometime can't stand to buy something cheap if its good offer. I played this game for about a month and really don't like how greedy and pay2win this game is. And don't like how developers hiding actual game content behind paywall and making ridiculous pricing on some content making free accounts to stuck/suffer a lot in every league to farm/grind Brawl a lot.
Considering to try this mod. But I have account with hero of level 20++ and league lower(better) then 20. Invested 5$ for starter pack. What about it then? I've got to just start a new account?

first off, most of the people here do not know how to use this mod responsibly and will probably get banned, so as for the account you spent $5 on, i wouldn't recommend using this on it, odds are you'll more than likely get banned (i used this mod for 1.46 and after many trial and errors i still had 20+ acocunts perma banned.) the signed version means the mod author had to submit a form with this mod attached and get it verified. (i think its so people feel safer that they aren't downloading a virus onto their android device or emulator.) unsigned, i think, means that the mod is simply download at your own risk.

but yeah i have a main ive spent $1000 on about 3-4 years back, (before events had chapters and it wasn't such a whale fest.) now i aboslutely refuse to spend another dime on this game, so i make alts with this mod, use my main as the referral code and just get free legendaries on my main from getting them to league 15 as a disciple.

Pinuccia said:
hi, on my device it does not install it. How can I solve the problem ?

it hasn't been updated, you can't install old versions of game apks when the game server is running a new version.
first off, most of the people here do not know how to use this mod responsibly and will probably get banned, so as for the account you spent $5 on, i wouldn't recommend using this on it, odds are you'll more than likely get banned (i used this mod for 1.46 and after many trial and errors i still had 20+ acocunts perma banned.) the signed version means the mod author had to submit a form with this mod attached and get it verified. (i think its so people feel safer that they aren't downloading a virus onto their android device or emulator.) unsigned, i think, means that the mod is simply download at your own risk.

but yeah i have a main ive spent $1000 on about 3-4 years back, (before events had chapters and it wasn't such a whale fest.) now i aboslutely refuse to spend another dime on this game, so i make alts with this mod, use my main as the referral code and just get free legendaries on my main from getting them to league 15 as a disciple.

it hasn't been updated, you can't install old versions of game apks when the game server is running a new version.
can you explain how you get free legendaries ? i have never thought abt this before.
can you explain how you get free legendaries ? i have never thought abt this before.

on your "main" account, go to the friends tab and you will see your "trainer" ID; save this id in notepad or to memory or whatever choice you prefer. when you create a new account and get to league 28 or 27 (maybe 26) and leave the pvp section (IMPORTANT : at some point, say you get to league 25 without going back to the main screen you completely miss this opportunity, they wont ask you to input a referral ID and you'll have to create a new account and try again.) and return to the main screen you will be asked to input a referral ID, put in your main accounts trainer ID, then use this mod on the account that is the referral. then cheat to get to league 15 and once you go your "main" account, the one whose ID you entered, is awarded a chest, for the first one i think you get 1 legendary chest then for the next 3 you get 3 epic chests per account that hits league 15, then the next is 3 legendary chests. rinse and repeat 30 times before you can max it out. with draw all league cards activated on your "main" while opening these chests can give you unique and powerful legendaries that you would otherwise have to grind for or spend money on.
A newbie questions.
"Signed" means you sign/log in on nataku? How is it possible. I'm playing on my phone and it always auto logging in on nataku.
Then "Unsigned" means you will be some kind of guest account??? What about account progress? What about multiplayer, fighting against real players who are signed?
I know how nataku is greedy and fked up when talking about games making em money. But still sometime can't stand to buy something cheap if its good offer. I played this game for about a month and really don't like how greedy and pay2win this game is. And don't like how developers hiding actual game content behind paywall and making ridiculous pricing on some content making free accounts to stuck/suffer a lot in every league to farm/grind Brawl a lot.
Considering to try this mod. But I have account with hero of level 20++ and league lower(better) then 20. Invested 5$ for starter pack. What about it then? I've got to just start a new account?
Signed apk and unsigned apk
each app on the play store has a unique signature (given by the developers).
signed apk. after modding a game we have to apply fake signature to install it on a non-rooted phone. we can also apply original signatures if we know the original signature, and you know it's impossible because only game developers know about it.
and signed apk can be installed on both devices, rooted and non rooted.
but the game has an anti-cheat that detects the fake signature which causes you an instant ban.

unsigned apk: we only modify the app and don't apply fake signatures, it keeps original signatures, but since it's a modified app, we can't install it on a normal non-rooted phone.
we have to bypass that step, using the lucky patcher. and to use lucky patcher, your phone must be rooted.
on your "main" account, go to the friends tab and you will see your "trainer" ID; save this id in notepad or to memory or whatever choice you prefer. when you create a new account and get to league 28 or 27 (maybe 26) and leave the pvp section (IMPORTANT : at some point, say you get to league 25 without going back to the main screen you completely miss this opportunity, they wont ask you to input a referral ID and you'll have to create a new account and try again.) and return to the main screen you will be asked to input a referral ID, put in your main accounts trainer ID, then use this mod on the account that is the referral. then cheat to get to league 15 and once you go your "main" account, the one whose ID you entered, is awarded a chest, for the first one i think you get 1 legendary chest then for the next 3 you get 3 epic chests per account that hits league 15, then the next is 3 legendary chests. rinse and repeat 30 times before you can max it out. with draw all league cards activated on your "main" while opening these chests can give you unique and powerful legendaries that you would otherwise have to grind for or spend money on.
i understood. Which mod features do you use to quickly reach league 15 without being banned ?
Signed apk and unsigned apk
each app on the play store has a unique signature (given by the developers).
signed apk. after modding a game we have to apply fake signature to install it on a non-rooted phone. we can also apply original signatures if we know the original signature, and you know it's impossible because only game developers know about it.
and signed apk can be installed on both devices, rooted and non rooted.
but the game has an anti-cheat that detects the fake signature which causes you an instant ban.

unsigned apk: we only modify the app and don't apply fake signatures, it keeps original signatures, but since it's a modified app, we can't install it on a normal non-rooted phone.
we have to bypass that step, using the lucky patcher. and to use lucky patcher, your phone must be rooted.
Pretty detailed explanation! Thank you very much!
first off, most of the people here do not know how to use this mod responsibly and will probably get banned, so as for the account you spent $5 on, i wouldn't recommend using this on it, odds are you'll more than likely get banned (i used this mod for 1.46 and after many trial and errors i still had 20+ acocunts perma banned.) the signed version means the mod author had to submit a form with this mod attached and get it verified. (i think its so people feel safer that they aren't downloading a virus onto their android device or emulator.) unsigned, i think, means that the mod is simply download at your own risk.

but yeah i have a main ive spent $1000 on about 3-4 years back, (before events had chapters and it wasn't such a whale fest.) now i aboslutely refuse to spend another dime on this game, so i make alts with this mod, use my main as the referral code and just get free legendaries on my main from getting them to league 15 as a disciple.

it hasn't been updated, you can't install old versions of game apks when the game server is running a new version.
Doesn't you risk with ur main by submitting your main's ID by referral which being using mod?
Also feels a bit sad about all this. Kinda to get to league 15 you still need to play at least 1 week to get some nessesery units to be able to deal against people in leagues from 20, to 16... kinda starting from league ~25 I've found almost every 2nd opponent have solid builds with scarlet or/and bastet or/and aphrodite & other units which u just can't fight against with what u have at start... thats what pushed me to spend those 5$, but a bit later I figured how much paywalls in this game... I was dissapointed & don't have will to spend any more money on that & even thought to try to call a refound of those 5$. I remember How I liked games like Angelic Saga & Hitsugi, also Aigis. Spending some cash not only to get some units but also to support devs..... and whats next? They just shutted down all those projects b'cos they were not profitable or discontinued by original devs without any will to take that crap in their own hands and continue to work on it. That publishing company should be called "Slottaku".
on your "main" account, go to the friends tab and you will see your "trainer" ID; save this id in notepad or to memory or whatever choice you prefer. when you create a new account and get to league 28 or 27 (maybe 26) and leave the pvp section (IMPORTANT : at some point, say you get to league 25 without going back to the main screen you completely miss this opportunity, they wont ask you to input a referral ID and you'll have to create a new account and try again.) and return to the main screen you will be asked to input a referral ID, put in your main accounts trainer ID, then use this mod on the account that is the referral. then cheat to get to league 15 and once you go your "main" account, the one whose ID you entered, is awarded a chest, for the first one i think you get 1 legendary chest then for the next 3 you get 3 epic chests per account that hits league 15, then the next is 3 legendary chests. rinse and repeat 30 times before you can max it out. with draw all league cards activated on your "main" while opening these chests can give you unique and powerful legendaries that you would otherwise have to grind for or spend money on.
That's a good idea, I'm going to try that. As much as I enjoy the game I've already spent way too much on it playing for only 10 days and I don't want to go down the same route I did with MtG:Puzzle Quest a few years ago. D3 Go managed to slowly get over £2,000 out of me over the course of a year. Can't let that happen again.
I hope users of this mod are not greedy in their use, think again if you abuse this mod. the effect we will not be able to use this mod again. please respect this mod maker
use this mod wisely , making this mod is not easy (FYI)
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