Latest PMT Posts/Updates


  • 7,581
  • 8

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Balls?
Game Version: 1.18
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they require...


  • 11,592
  • 12

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Avicii | Gravity HD
Game Version: 2.1
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app...


  • 4,981
  • 7

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Cyber Strike - Infinite Runner
Game Version: 1.5
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases...


  • 9,699
  • 21

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Galaxy Soldier - Alien Shooter
Game Version: 1.7
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

Outdated Esports King Ver. 1.2.9 MOD Menu APK | Destroy Enemy

  • 42,644
  • 103

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Esports King
Game Version: 1.2.9
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. menu mod
  2. destroy enemy (PvE-not all)
You need to enable Overlay Permission and Storage Permission (if have) on settings in your phone to make menu appears
Or u can read here: How to Fix the “Screen Overlay Detected” Error on Android

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*MOD Preview:

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.


Outdated [iOS 13 ✔] 세인트세이야 코스모 판타지 Ver. 1.66 MOD IPA | Unlimited Skills | Dumb Enemies

  • 1,793
  • 4

iTunes Link: ‎세인트세이야 코스모 판타지

Game Name: 세인트세이야 코스모 판타지
Game Version: v1.64
Bundle ID:

Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 13 and less.
Separate App-Icon: no
【게임 소개】
'지하의 신 하데스'를 비롯하여 '오딘 세이야', 골드 세인트 12명의 갓 크로스 등 역대 작품에 등장한 친숙한 세이야들뿐 아니라, 오리지널 시리즈 '갓 라이브라와 12개의 무기' 등 총 100명 이상의 캐릭터가 펼치는 장대한 싸움을 즐기자!

■TV 애니메이션의 명장면이 되살아난다.
페가수스 판타지 등의 명곡과 페가수스 세이야(성우: 모리타 마사카즈), 비르고 샤카(성우: 미츠야 유지) 등 역대 TV 시리즈에 등장한 호화 성우진의 목소리를 게임에서 즐길 수 있다!

■간단한 탭 조작으로 즐기는 뜨거운 배틀!
페가수스 유성권, 라이트닝 플라즈마 등 세인트들의 친숙한 필살기를 간단한 탭 조작으로 발동시킬 수 있다! 또한 새로운 기능 '세븐 센시즈 각성'으로 내가 좋아하는 세인트를 극한까지 강화할 수 있다!

■이야기는 포세이돈 편, 그리고 하데스 편으로!
황금 12궁을 무대로 한 골드 세인트와의 전투를 거쳐 이야기는 해왕 포세이돈과 해장군들의 전투로. 나아가 지하의 세계를 무대로 한 '지하의 신 하데스 편'도 드디어 공개! 앞을 막아서는 강적들을 여신 아테나와 함께 쓰러뜨려라!

■다채로운 게임 모드로 마음껏 즐겨 보자!
내가 육성한 세인트로 정점을 노리는 투기장 및 총 15 경기를 겨루는 코스모 챌린지 등,
15명의 세인트로 파티를 구성하여 싸우는 그라드 콜로세움과 길드 VS 길드의 대규모 배틀이 펼쳐지는 성전 등 다채로운 게임 모드를 즐겨 보자!

스마트폰에서 코스모가 다시 불타오른다!'

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. 공식 사이트:

이 앱을 다운로드 또는 설치함으로써 귀하는 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 이용약관에 동의한 것으로 의제됩니다...

Outdated [JB iOS 13 ✔] 세인트세이야 코스모 판타지 Ver. 1.66 MOD Menu | One Hit Kill | God Mode | Unlimited Skills | Dumb Enemies

  • 1,770
  • 4

iTunes Link: ‎세인트세이야 코스모 판타지

Game Name: 세인트세이야 코스모 판타지
Game Version: v1.66
Bundle ID:
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 13 and less
【게임 소개】
'지하의 신 하데스'를 비롯하여 '오딘 세이야', 골드 세인트 12명의 갓 크로스 등 역대 작품에 등장한 친숙한 세이야들뿐 아니라, 오리지널 시리즈 '갓 라이브라와 12개의 무기' 등 총 100명 이상의 캐릭터가 펼치는 장대한 싸움을 즐기자!

■TV 애니메이션의 명장면이 되살아난다.
페가수스 판타지 등의 명곡과 페가수스 세이야(성우: 모리타 마사카즈), 비르고 샤카(성우: 미츠야 유지) 등 역대 TV 시리즈에 등장한 호화 성우진의 목소리를 게임에서 즐길 수 있다!

■간단한 탭 조작으로 즐기는 뜨거운 배틀!
페가수스 유성권, 라이트닝 플라즈마 등 세인트들의 친숙한 필살기를 간단한 탭 조작으로 발동시킬 수 있다! 또한 새로운 기능 '세븐 센시즈 각성'으로 내가 좋아하는 세인트를 극한까지 강화할 수 있다!

■이야기는 포세이돈 편, 그리고 하데스 편으로!
황금 12궁을 무대로 한 골드 세인트와의 전투를 거쳐 이야기는 해왕 포세이돈과 해장군들의 전투로. 나아가 지하의 세계를 무대로 한 '지하의 신 하데스 편'도 드디어 공개! 앞을 막아서는 강적들을 여신 아테나와 함께 쓰러뜨려라!

■다채로운 게임 모드로 마음껏 즐겨 보자!
내가 육성한 세인트로 정점을 노리는 투기장 및 총 15 경기를 겨루는 코스모 챌린지 등,
15명의 세인트로 파티를 구성하여 싸우는 그라드 콜로세움과 길드 VS 길드의 대규모 배틀이 펼쳐지는 성전 등 다채로운 게임 모드를 즐겨 보자!

스마트폰에서 코스모가 다시 불타오른다!'

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. 공식 사이트:

이 앱을 다운로드 또는 설치함으로써 귀하는 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment 이용약관에 동의한 것으로 의제됩니다.


Outdated Friendship21s Ver. 1.2.2 MOD APK | Free Shopping

  • 3,151
  • 10

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Friendship21s
Game Version: 1.2.2
Needs OBB: Yes
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. buy with 0 coin
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they require Google...

Outdated [iOS 13 ✔] ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero Ver. 0.1.36 MOD IPA | One Hit Kill | Unlimited Energy

  • 2,426
  • 5

iTunes Link: ‎ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero

Game Name: ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero
Game Version: v0.1.36
Bundle ID:

Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 13 and less.
Separate App-Icon: no
カンフー達人のになりたいなら、『Combat of Hero』を試してみてください!


• 一切無料
• オフラインで遊べる
• リアルなストリートファイティング体験

• ホームページ:我功夫特牛
• メールアドレス
• Facebook Group:我功夫特牛官方社團

Supported Devices:
- iPhone 5s or newer
- iPod Touch 6G or newer
- iPad Air/Pro or newer
- iPad mini 2 or newer
- work for non-jailbroken and jailbroken devices.

How to install this IPA MOD (read carefully):

*MOD features*
1. One Hit Kill // Kill Enemy with 1 Hit
2. Unlimited Energy // Energy doesn't decrease...

Outdated [JB iOS 13 ✔] ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero Ver. 0.1.36 MOD Menu | One Hit Kill | God Mode | Unlimited Energy

  • 2,381
  • 5

iTunes Link: ‎ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero

Game Name: ヒーローズコンバット - Combat of Hero
Game Version: v0.1.36
Bundle ID:
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 13 and less
カンフー達人のになりたいなら、『Combat of Hero』を試してみてください!


• 一切無料
• オフラインで遊べる
• リアルなストリートファイティング体験

• ホームページ:
• メールアドレス
• Facebook Group:我功夫特牛官方社團

Supported Devices:
-Jailbroken iPhone 5s or newer
-Jailbroken iPod Touch 6G or newer
-Jailbroken iPad Air/Pro or newer
-Jailbroken iPad mini 2 or newer

How to make this cheat run for you (read carefully):

*MOD features*
1. MOD Menu
2. One Hit Kill
// Kill Enemy with 1 Hit
3. Godmode // Take No Damage
4. Unlimited Energy // Energy doesn't decrease...

FREE MOD Gun Game - Arms Race Ver. 1.69 MOD APK | One Hit

  • 7,595
  • 22

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Gun Game - Arms Race
Game Version: 1.69
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. one hit
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases...

Outdated Heart's Medicine - Season One ❤️ Ver. 2.0.0 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold Coins

  • 6,021
  • 7

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Heart's Medicine - Season One ❤️
Game Version: 2.0.0
Needs OBB: Yes
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
1. Unlimited Gold Coins
~~ you can get after completing the novice tutorial ~~

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

Outdated Dragon Nest M Global Ver. 1.8.0 MOD Menu APK | Invincible | One Hit | Instant Kill | Instant Wins & more!

  • 88,818
  • 505

Playstore Link:

Name: Dragon Nest M Global
Version: 1.8.0
Need OBB: NO
Need Root: NO
Modded by: @Mika Cybertron

• Mod Preview:

1. Invincible
2. One Hit Kill
3. Unlimited Skill
4. Instant Kill Enemies
5. Instant Wins

Working in Normal Mode only!

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases...

Outdated Idle Tyoon: Shopkeepers (Early Access) Ver. MOD APK | Free buy | Free Upgrade

  • 2,045
  • 5

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Idle Tycoon shopkeeper
Game Version: V1.0.2.1
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*
1. Free Buy
2. Free Upgrade

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app...

AutoUpdate [JB] [JB iOS 14 ✔] Idle Miner Tycoon: Cash Empire (All Version) MOD Menu | Free iAP

  • 22,792
  • 116

iTunes Link: ‎Idle Miner Tycoon: Cash Empire

Game Name: Idle Miner Tycoon: Cash Empire
Game Version: v3.08.0
Bundle ID: com.fluffyfairygames.idleminertycoon
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 14 and less
Become an industrial tycoon by managing your mine and idle profit!
Expand your empire & give it a boost with managers that will automate the workflow of your mine! Take on the challenge and discover the best mining strategy and earn as much cash as possible!

• Automate your workflow to increase your idle income
• Get idle cash, even when you are offline
• Profit from a smart investment or two to boost your economy
• Hire managers to increase your workers’ motivation
• Every manager has a special tycoon effect
• Prestige feature
• Manage up to 20 cool mines
• Mine for more than 15 different resources: Including coal, gold, ruby, moonstone, amethyst, crystal and jade
• No internet connection needed

◆◆◆ Become the greatest mine tycoon ever! ◆◆◆

Like Idle Miner Tycoon on Facebook!

Got any problems or suggestions?

Feel free to send a message to
– We are always happy to hear our...

Outdated [iOS 14 ✔] SwipeTrix Ver. 2.5.2 MOD IPA | FREE IAP

  • 1,522
  • 5

iTunes Link: ‎SwipeTrix

Game Name: SwipeTrix
Game Version: v2.5.2
Bundle ID: com.vrplaying.swipetrix

Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 14 and less.
Separate App-Icon: no
SwipeTrix brings the fun of solving puzzles in the shape of really polished art style and gruelling level design.

Swipe to Move the character.
Collect all the diamonds to clear the level but watch out for enemies. !

There is no time limit so take you time to figure out the solution and advance through exhilarating levels.

◈ 100+ hand-crafted levels.
◈ Daily Challenges : 9 unique mind twisting levels every week.
◈ Dodge Enemy AI, Move through portals and collect diamonds.
◈ Unlock unique characters for free.
◈ Neon Retro type artwork.
◈ Intuitive gameplay. Easy to learn but hard to master!.
◈ Compete with your friends-Game Center.

Supported Devices:
- iPhone 5s or newer
- iPod Touch 6G or newer
- iPad Air/Pro or newer
- iPad mini 2 or newer
- work for non-jailbroken and jailbroken devices.

How to install this IPA MOD (read carefully):

*MOD features*...

iPMT [JB] [JB iOS 14 ✔] SwipeTrix Ver. 2.5.2 MOD Menu | FREE IAP

  • 2,733
  • 6

iTunes Link: ‎SwipeTrix

Game Name: SwipeTrix
Game Version: v2.5.2
Bundle ID: com.vrplaying.swipetrix
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 14 and less
SwipeTrix brings the fun of solving puzzles in the shape of really polished art style and gruelling level design.

Swipe to Move the character.
Collect all the diamonds to clear the level but watch out for enemies. !

There is no time limit so take you time to figure out the solution and advance through exhilarating levels.

◈ 100+ hand-crafted levels.
◈ Daily Challenges : 9 unique mind twisting levels every week.
◈ Dodge Enemy AI, Move through portals and collect diamonds.
◈ Unlock unique characters for free.
◈ Neon Retro type artwork.
◈ Intuitive gameplay. Easy to learn but hard to master!.
◈ Compete with your friends-Game Center.

Supported Devices:
-Jailbroken iPhone 5s or newer
-Jailbroken iPod Touch 6G or newer
-Jailbroken iPad Air/Pro or newer
-Jailbroken iPad mini 2 or newer

How to make this cheat run for you (read carefully):

*MOD features*
1. MOD Menu
2. FREE IAP...

FREE MOD Village Farm Free Offline Farm Games Ver. 1.1.1 MOD APK | UNLIMITED GEMS | UNLIMITED GOLD | NO ADS

  • 10,414
  • 22

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Village Farm Free Offline Farm Games
Game Version: 1.1.1
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of...


  • 7,957
  • 16

Playstore Link:

Game Name: God of Stickman 3
Game Version:
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app...

Outdated [JB iOS 13 ✔] GODLIKE FOG Ver. 1.12 MOD Menu | One Hit Kill | Godmode | Map Hack

  • 4,665
  • 30

iTunes Link: ‎GODLIKE FOG

Game Version: v1.12
Bundle ID: com.idfame.fogsea
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 13 and less
Pixelated, fast-paced, and real-time multiplayer battles.
Rally your guardians and friends, surpass the legend!
Lead your guardians and friends to victory in 3 minutes!
3V3, Battle Royale, MOBA, PvPvE and much more in the future!


-Unlock and upgrade 25 unique Guardians.

-220+ Headwear & Outfits
-110+ Weapons
-130+ Elemental force stones

-70+ unique achievements alongside your journey.

-Small investment, large & unique rewards throughout the season.

-Allows players to select the rewards in the lottery pool.

-Each season (20 days) will add at least 1 NEW guardian, corresponding avatar & achievements updates are GUARANTEED.
-New time-limited game modes, events, and other features will be updated in a relatively short amount of time.

*FOG requires a stable internet connection.

If you have any problem, please email us at

Supported Devices:
-Jailbroken iPhone 5s or...

Broken Link Idle Dragons - Merge, Tower Defense, Idle Games Ver. 1.1.0 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold | Unlimited Diamonds

  • 6,621
  • 11

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Idle Dragons - Merge, Tower Defense, Idle Games
Game Version: 1.1.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*
1. Unlimited Gold (even shown in minus)
2. Unlimited Diamonds

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of...

Outdated Battle Bay Ver. 4.9.4 MOD Menu APK | Quick Shot

  • 44,362
  • 205

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Battle Bay
Game Version: 4.9.4
Needs OBB: Yes
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. mod menu
  2. quick shot
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*MOD Preview:

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD...

Broken Link King's Clicker (Early Access) Ver. 0.96 MOD APK | Unlimited Money | Unlimited Souls

  • 3,711
  • 3

Playstore Link:

Game Name: King's Clicker (Early Access)
Game Version: 0.96
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
1. Unlimited Money
2. Unlimited Souls

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they require...

Broken Link Geeks vs Gangsters - Idle Game Ver. 2.0.2 MOD APK | Unlimited Money

  • 3,666
  • 2

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Geeks vs Gangsters - Idle Game
Game Version: 2.0.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
1. Unlimited Money (use even value show in minus)

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on...

Outdated Void Tyrant Ver. 1.2.3 MOD APK | God Mode

  • 22,109
  • 29

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Void Tyrant
Game Version: 1.2.3
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. god mode
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*MOD Preview:

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on...

Broken Link Zombie Blocky Hunter Ver. 1.025 MOD APK | UNLIMITED COIN | UNLIMITED PURCHASE | NO ADS

  • 2,503
  • 1

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Zombie Blocky Hunter
Game Version: 1.025
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs...

Outdated My Little Paradise : Resort Management Game Ver. 1.9.3 MOD APK | Unlimited Gold | Unlimited Diamonds

  • 19,596
  • 96

Playstore Link:

Game Name: My Little Paradise : Resort Management Game
Game Version: 1.9.3
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*
1. Unlimited Gold
2. Unlimited Diamonds

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...

Outdated Protect my Love : Moe Anime Girlfriend Dating Sim Ver. 2.0.6 MOD APK | Free Premium Choices

  • 73,180
  • 431

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Protect my Love : Moe Anime Girlfriend Dating Sim
Game Version: 2.0.6
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
1. Free Premium Choices
- No Ruby Consume

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...

Outdated 용사 귀여운 마녀 RPG Ver. 1.110 MOD APK | Dumb Enemy

  • 5,753
  • 25

Playstore Link:

Game Name: 용사 귀여운 마녀 RPG
Game Version: 1.110
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. dumb enemy
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are...

FREE MOD Army Stickman Rope Hero Vegas Gangstar Crime Ver. 1.0 MOD MENU | GOD MODE | ADD MONEY | RESET STAMINA | ADD EXPERIENCE | NO ADS

  • 8,562
  • 15

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Army Stickman Rope Hero Vegas Gangstar Crime
Game Version: 1.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the...


  • 8,369
  • 9

Playstore Link:

Game Name: US Army Tank Transform Robot Shooting War
Game Version: 1.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the...

Not Working Merge Racer - Best Idle Game Ver. 1.0.9 MOD APK | Unlimited Coins | Unlimited Cash | Unlimited Diamonds | Unlimited Tickets

  • 5,900
  • 23

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Merge Racer - Best Idle Game
Game Version: 1.0.9
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*
1. Unlimited Coins*
2. Unlimited Cash
3. Unlimited Diamonds
4. Unlimited Tickets
*Increase when you spent

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install...

Not Working Eva Dawn Ver. 3.1.0 MOD MENU APK | 1 hit kill | God mode | High attack range | No cooldown

  • 51,102
  • 182

Playstore Link: Eva Dawn - Apps on Google Play

【Game Description】
Eva Dawn, is an ARPG mobile game developed and published by Sina Games. An original story with settings from 《Neon Genesis Evangelion》, with smooth animations, crafted graphics and tons of missions. Customize your own characters and fight your battles. Experience the magic journey of Human Instrumentality Project: Be equipped with Spectacular Mecha, achieve an infinity of QUESTS, unlock new CHARACTER DESTINY.

【Reminiscent of the great classics and Acclaimed Franchise】
An acclaimed franchise of 《Neon Genesis Evangelion》 with all stories officially authorized and fully supervised by SCLA, “khara” and its original author “Annor Hideaki” .Its vivid characters, various episodes, spectacular mecha will completely immerse you in the world of Evangelion where you will take the role of Mecha to fight with Angel for saving the human beings!

【Spectacular Mechanics & Infinite Strikes】
Its spectacular mechanics, easy controls, as well as realistic physics and intuitive effects will bring you an fantastic and breathtaking fighting experience! EVA 01, EVA 00 or EVA 13 etc., explore endless mechas and customize your own to fight your battles!

【Intense Real-time PvP Battles】
Effortlessly command your team...

Not Working Survival Island: EVO 2 Ver. 3.247 MOD APK | UNLIMITED COIN | NO ADS

  • 6,546
  • 10

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Survival Island: EVO 2
Game Version: 3.247
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as they...

PMT FREE MOD Fishing Season : River to ocean Ver. 1.12.11 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier

  • 13,953
  • 16

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Fishing Season : River to ocean
Game Version: 1.12.11
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
  1. damage multiplier
  2. game speed
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the...

PMT FREE MOD Lovescapes Ver. 3.1.9 MOD MENU APK | Unlimited Coins | Energy Recharges | Free To Date | Unlimited Moves

  • 80,440
  • 379

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Lovescapes
Game Version: v3.1.9
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Needs Special Permissions: Yes


*MOD features*
2. Unlimited Coins (Get unlimited coins after a date)
3. Energy Recharges (High rate)
4. Free To Date (No Energy needed to go on a date)
5. Unlimited Moves ( Moves will go negative after it reaches 0 but you can still play)
6. No Added Ads

How to enable necessary permissions:
1. Only necessary on Android 6+.
2. Open the app info for Lovescapes.
3. Go to permissions, enable Phone & Storage.
4. Go to advanced and activate overlay/draw over other apps permission.
-> Overlay permission might be located and named differently on each brand.

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted +...

Not Working [iOS 16 ✔] Battle of Warships: Naval Wars Ver. 1.72.114 MOD IPA | FREE IAP

  • 37,173
  • 125

iTunes Link: ‎Battle of Warships: Naval Wars

Game Name: Battle of Warships: Naval Wars
Game Version: v1.72.114
Bundle ID: com.CubeSoftware.BattleOfWarships

Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 16 and less.
Separate App-Icon: yes
Are you fond of battle ships? The best ship action for mobiles is looking forward to you - Battle of Warships.
Set to navigate legendary ships of the past, play with your friends & destroy the enemies! There are more than dozens of the First & the Second World War ships in the Battle of Warships fleet. Feel like a captain & navigate a real battle ship of any level. Use artillery, plains & torpedoes!

You will find real ships of various Sea Powers in Battle of Warships. Study their special features & advantages, create & update your own fleet! That’s what you find in the game:

• More than 20 battleships, including the most legendary ones of the First & the Second World Wars.
• Various level ships & various weapons. From light canons to torpedoes & plains!
• A unique update system for each ship of yours.
• Latest 3D graphics, corresponding to all the characteristics of the best mobile games.
• Touch control & several versions, including the gyroscope...

iPMT [JB] [JB iOS 14 ✔] Battle of Warships: Naval Wars Ver. 1.72.114 MOD Menu | FREE IAP

  • 38,311
  • 245

iTunes Link: ‎Battle of Warships: Naval Wars

Game Name: Battle of Warships: Naval Wars
Game Version: v1.72.114
Bundle ID: com.CubeSoftware.BattleOfWarships
Needs Jailbreak: Yes
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 14 and less
Are you fond of battle ships? The best ship action for mobiles is looking forward to you - Battle of Warships.
Set to navigate legendary ships of the past, play with your friends & destroy the enemies! There are more than dozens of the First & the Second World War ships in the Battle of Warships fleet. Feel like a captain & navigate a real battle ship of any level. Use artillery, plains & torpedoes!

You will find real ships of various Sea Powers in Battle of Warships. Study their special features & advantages, create & update your own fleet! That’s what you find in the game:

• More than 20 battleships, including the most legendary ones of the First & the Second World Wars.
• Various level ships & various weapons. From light canons to torpedoes & plains!
• A unique update system for each ship of yours.
• Latest 3D graphics, corresponding to all the characteristics of the best mobile games.
• Touch control & several versions, including the gyroscope!
• Weather change system...

Outdated Pirates Of Galaxy Ver. 6.4 MOD APK | Max Energy | Free Upgrade | Unlock Ship

  • 16,593
  • 34

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Pirates Of Galaxy
Game Version: 6.4
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD features*
  1. Max Enegry
  2. Free Upgrade with Coin
  3. Unlock Ship with Coin
Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old...
Top Bottom