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Latest PMT Posts/Updates

PMT VIP MOD Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds KR (제2의 나라) Ver. 3.06.08 MEGA MOD Menu APK | Speed, Jump, Roll, Teleport & More!

  • 2,140
  • 1

Playstore Link: 제2의 나라: Cross Worlds - Apps on Google Play

Game Name: 제2의 나라: Cross Worlds
Game Version: v3.06.08
Game Package: com.netmarble.enn
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Needs License: Yes! Get your license here
기획/제작 [레벨 파이브], 애니메이션 작화 [스튜디오 지브리] 등
화려한 스태프의 손에 의해 탄생한 게임 [니노쿠니] 그 시리즈를 잇는
마음속 깊이 간직했던 세계 『제2의 나라: Cross Worlds』로 당신을 초대합니다.

《게임 소개》

▶ 현실과 환상이 공존하는 감성 "스토리"
가상현실 게임 [소울 다이버즈]를 통해 또 다른 세계에 도착한 당신을 기다리는 장대한 여정
끝없는 모험과 한없는 평화가 공존하는 『제2의 나라』에서 펼쳐지는 서사시를 체험하세요.

▶ 한 편의 애니메이션과 같은 감성적인 "오픈월드"
언리얼4 엔진의 카툰렌더링으로 구현된 세계
캐릭터들의 표정 하나, 몸짓 하나에도 특별한 감성이 깃들어 있는 이 아름다운 세계를 직접 확인해보세요.

▶ 개성으로 채워진 "플레이 캐릭터"
신비로움을 간직한 검사 [소드맨]부터, 마력이 담긴 스피어를 다루는 우아한 마녀 [위치],
각종 화기를 다루는 천재 소녀 [엔지니어], 장난꾸러기 궁수 [로그], 호탕하게 해머를 휘두르는 전사 [디스트로이어]까지
『제2의 나라』에서 당신은 어떤 모습이 되고 싶은가요?

▶ 나의 곁을 지켜주는 지원군, "이마젠"
『제2의 나라』에만 존재하는 신비한 생명체 [이마젠]을 만나보세요.
귀여움 속에 감춰진 무시무시한 이마젠의 능력이 발휘됩니다.
개성 넘치는 수많은 [이마젠]들과 교감하며 모험의 동반자로서 함께 성장해보세요.

▶ 함께 나라를 세우고 발전시키는 커뮤니티의 핵심 "킹덤"
멸망한 [이름 없는 왕국]을 재건하고, 동료들과 함께 우리들만의 왕국을 발전시켜 보세요.
필드 곳곳의 독특하고 감성적인 [소셜 오브제]로 왕국을 더욱 풍성하게 꾸미고
서버 최고의 킹덤을 목표로 동료들과 함께 다양한 도전을 즐겨보세요.

[상품정보 및 이용조건 안내]
※ 유료아이템...

PMT VIP MOD Ni no Kuni Cross Worlds TW (二之國:交錯世界) Ver. 3.06.08 MEGA MOD Menu APK | Speed, Jump, Roll, Teleport & More!

  • 1,742
  • 1

Playstore Link: 二之國:交錯世界 - Apps on Google Play

Game Name: 二之國:交錯世界
Game Version: v3.06.08
Game Package: com.netmarble.ennt
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Needs License: Yes! Get your license here
企划/制作:「Level 5」、动画制作:「吉卜力工作室」 等。

◀ 游戏介绍 ▶

■ 现实与幻想共存的奇幻「冒险」

■ 如同观赏剧场版动画的独特「开放世界」
使用Unreal 4打造的赛璐路风开放世界

■ 独具特色的「职业」

■ 与你同行的可爱伙伴「幻兽」
只有《二之国》才有的神秘生物 「幻兽」

■ 一起建设王国和发展,社交的核心「王国」

*MOD Preview (of EN Version)*

*MOD Features*
1. MOD Menu
2. Less Aggressive Speed Manipulation
3. Global Speed Multiplier x1 - x5
4. Player Speed Multiplier x1 - x5
5. Faster Normal Attack Index x1 - x10
6. Jump Multiplier x1 - x15

PMT VIP MOD 七つの大罪 光と闇の交戦 : グラクロ (The Seven Deadly Sins JP) Ver. 2.73.0 MOD Menu APK | Damage, Defense, Skills

  • 19,667
  • 1

Playstore Link: 七つの大罪 光と闇の交戦 : グラクロ - Apps on Google Play

Game Name: 七つの大罪 光と闇の交戦 : グラクロ
Game Version: v2.73.0
Game Package: com.netmarble.nanatsunotaizai
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Needs License: Yes! Get your license here

◆七つの大罪 光と闇の交戦 : グラクロの紹介◆

・ 累計発行部数3700万部!人気コミック『七つの大罪』の世界を3Dグラフィックで完全再現!
・ アニメ原作の人気声優陣によるフルボイス収録、新規ボイスまで!
・ アニメを知らなくても200%楽しめる、シネマティック演出と戦略的なバトルを堪能せよ!
・ <NieR>シリーズで有名な音楽プロデューサー岡部啓一・MONACAによるゲームオリジナルの新規書き下ろし楽曲

◆七つの大罪 光と闇の交戦 : グラクロの特徴◆

▼ 原作の世界観を徹底的に再現

▼ オリジナルコスチュームのキャラ

▼ スキルによるバトルシステム

▼ 仲間と共闘する殲滅戦


*MOD Preview (EN Version)*...

PMT FREE MOD デタリキZ 特別防衛局隊員の日常 Ver. 1.11.50 Mod Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | Defense Multiplier

  • 5,104
  • 33

Playstore Link:

Game Name: デタリキZ 特別防衛局隊員の日常
Game Version: 1.11.50
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Mod Menu
1. Damage Multiplier
2. Defense Multiplier

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

PM Injector Lucky Defense Ver. 1.5.5 MOD INJECTOR | ARM64 | NO COST SUMMON - BATTLE MODE

  • 49,524
  • 271

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Lucky Defense
Game Version: 1.5.5
Needs OBB: No
Injector Type: Hex Patcher or LIB Inject
Works for rooted and non-rooted devices, but non-rooted devices require to install Virtual Machine Apps (VM Apps) in order to make this mod work.

*MOD Preview*


*MOD Features*
1. No Cost Summon - Battle Mode

Important Notes:
1. if your device is not root then use Emulator or VM Apps to make it work.
2. if your device is using Android 13 and above where can't find permission in settings, then please use an App called "Storage Isolation" as a third party to Grant Storage Permissions and other permission

1. Download and Install PM Injector App in your device.
2. Download the apk file of the game that has been provided by the modder and Install it in your device.
3. Grant Root Permission, Storage Permission and Overlay Permission for PM Injector App Settings.
4. Open the game and make sure the game data is fully downloaded or OBB files is placed correctly also please...

PM Injector 운빨강화겜 Ver. 2.1.4 MOD INJECTOR | ARM64 | GOD MODE

  • 3,479
  • 13

Playstore Link:

Game Name: 운빨강화겜
Game Version: 2.1.4
Needs OBB: No
Injector Type: Hex Patcher or LIB Inject
Works for rooted and non-rooted devices, but non-rooted devices require to install Virtual Machine Apps (VM Apps) in order to make this mod work.

*MOD Preview*


*MOD Features*
1. God Mode

Important Notes:
1. if your device is not root then use Emulator or VM Apps to make it work.
2. if your device is using Android 13 and above where can't find permission in settings, then please use an App called "Storage Isolation" as a third party to Grant Storage Permissions and other permission

1. Download and Install PM Injector App in your device.
2. Download the apk file of the game that has been provided by the modder and Install it in your device.
3. Grant Root Permission, Storage Permission and Overlay Permission for PM Injector App Settings.
4. Open the game and make sure the game data is fully downloaded or OBB files is placed correctly also please finish some tutorial...

PMT FREE MOD X Survive: Open World Sandbox Ver. 1.0837 MOD APK | Unlimited Cash | Unlimited Crypto Money | No Hunger | No Thirst

  • 61,140
  • 124

Playstore Link:

Game Name: X Survive: Open World Sandbox
Game Version: 1.0837
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
1. Unlimited Cash
2. Unlimited Crypto Money
3. No Hunger
4. No Thirst

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

PMT FREE MOD Ocean Fishing King Ver. 1.0.2 MOD Menu APK | Unlimited Money | Unlock No ADS

  • 1,545
  • 16

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Ocean Fishing King
Game Version: 1.0.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Unlimited Money
Unlock No ADS

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

PMT FREE MOD Idle Hooligans: Club Fights Ver. 1.3.7 MOD MENU APK | Add Cash | Add Bailout Charges | Add Recharge Batteries | Add Resume Building Charges [9 FEATUR

  • 4,724
  • 31

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Idle Hooligans: Club Fights
Game Version: v1.3.7
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: Yes

*MOD Features*

[ Player Menu ]
  • Add Cash
  • Add Bailout Charges
  • Add Recharge Batteries
  • Add Resume Building Charges
  • Add Contribution Points
  • Add Diamonds
  • Add Goonabolic Consumable
  • Add PVE Takeback Consumable
  • Add Torches

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the...

PMT FREE MOD Among Us Ver. 2025.2.26 MOD MENU APK | See Player Roles | Fake Role | ESP | Kill Players | Close All Doors | No Clip

  • 7,057,868
  • 47,488

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Among Us
Game Version: v2025.2.26
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Preview*

*MOD Features*

- [ Player Menu ] -
  • - Show Player Info (Add Older Version)
    - No Clip
    - Move In Meeting
    - Spam Report (Meeting Must Start)
    - Unlimited Emergencies Meetings
    - No Meeting Cooldown
    - Close All Doors
    - No Door Cooldown [Impostors]
    - Can Move In Vent
    - Sabotage Lights
    - Repair Sabotage
    - Teleport Outside
    - Teleport Inside
    - Spectate Player
    - Shadows Through Walls
    - Speed
    - Torch Distance
    - Pick Fake Role
    - See Ghost + Chat
    - Sabotage (Have Cooldowns)

- [ ESP Menu ] - Esp Lines To Players (Add Older Version | May leads to crash)...

PMT FREE MOD Bubble Shooter: Beach Pop Game Ver. 4.6 MOD MENU | Unlimited Lives | Unlimited Coins

  • 4,462
  • 12

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Bubble Shooter: Beach Pop Game
Game Version: v4.6
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

[ Player Menu ]
  • Unlimited Lives
  • Unlimited Coins

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)...

PMT FREE MOD D4DJ Groovy Mix(グルミク) Ver. 7.6.2 MOD MENU APK | Godmode | Auto Dance w/Sliders | Manual Dance | Easy Mode

  • 79,709
  • 230

Playstore Link:

Game Name: D4DJ Groovy Mix(グルミク)
Game Version: v7.6.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

[ Player Menu ]
1. God Mode
2. Easy Dance
3-1. Auto Dance

- Perfect Chance
- Great Chance
- Good Chance
3-2. Where To Press
- Close
- Middle
- Start
4. Manual Dance
-> Change Bad to Bad/Good/Great/Perfect
-> Change Good to Bad/Good/Great/Perfect
-> Change Great to Bad/Good/Great/Perfect
-> Change Perfect to Bad/Good/Great/Perfect

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install...

PMT FREE MOD Summoners Greed: Tower Defense Ver. 1.89.2 MOD Menu APK | Free In-App Purchase

  • 565,098
  • 1,109

Playstore Link: Summoners Greed: Tower Defense - Apps on Google Play

Game Name: Summoners Greed: Tower Defense
Game Version: 1.89.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
You are the greatest and most powerful summoner who has broken into the King’s castle and taken his priceless royal treasure! You happily take your loot back to your lair… but the King has raised the alarm and gathered his vast army of heroic warriors to reclaim it! It’s time to prepare your defenses. Protect your treasure at all costs!

In this tower defense (TD) game, you will strategically summon towers and use powerful spells to fend off endless waves of the Kingdom’s mightiest heroes. Defend your treasure from a variety of heroic challengers, including the humble peasant, the axe-wielding lumberjack, the ice mage, and even the elite knight of the King himself!

Earn magical orbs by defeating wave after wave of the King’s heroic army. Use these orbs to power your summoner’s portal and call upon a range of monsters, creeps, and minions to aid in your defense! Unite the common slimes, Slimey and Grimey, or summon the rare and adorable hellhound Mocha, or Teddy, the powerful teddy...

PMT FREE MOD Conquest Girls : AFK idle RPG Ver. 2.11.68 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | Lots of Buff

  • 162,389
  • 504

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Conquest Girls : AFK idle RPG
Game Version: 2.11.68
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Damage Multiplier
Lots of Buff

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the...

PMT FREE MOD Infinite Girls: 1000 Draws Ver. MOD Menu APK | Unlock Battle Speed

  • 5,863
  • 21

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Infinite Girls: 1000 Draws
Game Version:
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Unlock Battle Speed

Note: Turn the mod ON before entering the battle.

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)...

PMT FREE MOD Tree of Savior:Neverland -NEXT Ver. 1.36.13811 MOD Menu APK | Global Speed Multiplier

  • 8,599
  • 32

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Tree of Savior:Neverland -NEXT
Game Version: 1.36.13811
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Global Speed Multiplier

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing...

PMT FREE MOD Tree of Savior: Neverland Ver. 1.36.13751 MOD Menu APK | Global Speed Multiplier

  • 12,870
  • 46

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Tree of Savior: Neverland
Game Version: 1.36.13751
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*
Global Speed Multiplier

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the...

PMT FREE MOD Rogue Lite: Hero Evolve Legacy Ver. 0.2.9 MOD MENU | GOD MODE

  • 3,916
  • 13

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Rogue Lite: Hero Evolve Legacy
Game Version: 0.2.9
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...

PMT FREE MOD American Block Sniper Survival Ver. 1.140 MOD MENU | GOD MODE

  • 24,223
  • 60

Playstore Link:

Game Name: American Block Sniper Survival
Game Version: 1.140
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...

PMT FREE MOD Mahjong Forest Puzzle Ver. 25.0326.00 MOD APK | UNLIMITED LIFE | NO ADS

  • 9,809
  • 24

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Mahjong Forest Puzzle
Game Version: 25.0326.00
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...


  • 723,282
  • 697

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Dynamons World
Game Version: 1.11.16
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.

PMT FREE MOD [ROOT] Legend Magician : Idle RPG Ver. 2.28 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | Unlimited Currency

  • 10,552
  • 49

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Legend Magician : Idle RPG
Game Version: 2.28
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: Yes

*MOD Features*
Damage Multiplier
Unlimited Currency

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install...


  • 6,537
  • 24

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Archmagic Survivors TD
Game Version: 0.0.95
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

Game Preview:

*MOD Features*
1. No skill Cd
2. Unlimited Chest Summon
3. Mod Menu

Note: For more info watch the game preview:

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes....

PMT FREE MOD Grow Turret - Idle Clicker Defense Ver. 8.4.0 MOD MENU | HIGH DAMAGE

  • 47,691
  • 108

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Grow Turret - Idle Clicker Defense
Game Version: 8.4.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app...

PMT FREE MOD Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles Ver. 2.759.2 MOD MENU | UNLIMITED HINT

  • 42,587
  • 103

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Brain Test: Tricky Puzzles
Game Version: 2.759.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...

PMT FREE MOD Wizard Hero Ver. 2.6.2 MOD MENU | GOD MODE

  • 40,468
  • 127

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Wizard Hero
Game Version: 2.6.2
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible...

PMT FREE MOD Jewel Match King Ver. 25.0326.00 MOD MENU | AUTO WIN

  • 50,298
  • 109

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Jewel Match King
Game Version: 25.0326.00
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App...


  • 5,714
  • 24

Playstore Link:

Game Name: CritterCraft Chronicles
Game Version: 0.7.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

Game Preview:

*MOD Features*
1. Gold Increase - on start of game youll get 50k gold
2. Free Skill Upgrade
3. Higher sell Price - when selling rune item it will cost 50 k gold
4. Free level up

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)...


  • 195,696
  • 278

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Jogos .io da Cobra
Game Version: 2.2.14
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

Game Preview:

*MOD Features*

You need to get the value of gold then click new scan then change the value of gold by watching ads to gain more coins then get the new value of gold and put in resources count then click next scan then edit. You can do this to diamonds but you need to gain diamonds first and do same procedure. Please do watch for more info.

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.


  • 375,733
  • 470

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Vange : Idle RPG
Game Version: 2.07.50
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: yes

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app first.
- In-App purchases are not possible on signed APKs as...


  • 3,614
  • 16

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Zombie Smash: BLAM!
Game Version: 0.7.0
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: YES

*MOD Features*
1. Increased Damage
2. Mod menu
Note: You need to click the name of the features in menu to activate .

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK...

PMT FREE MOD Gun Shoot War Ver. 1.11.37 MOD MENU | GOD MODE

  • 18,944
  • 51

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Gun Shoot War
Game Version: v1.11.37
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without removing the game/app...

PMT FREE MOD Home Defender - Wang's Story Ver. 1.3.9 MOD MENU | UNLIMITED GEMS | GOD MODE

  • 32,217
  • 113

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Home Defender - Wang's Story
Game Version: 1.3.9
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Note: You can use the gems in shop to buy resources.

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to...


  • 16,261
  • 28

Playstore Link:

Game Name: Nextbot chasing
Game Version: 1.32
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No

*MOD Features*

Stay away from harmful malicious mods that fill your device with UNWANTED ADS! I always provide quality service with no such malicious tricks to earn money. We want you happy, that's our goal. You can be sure to download quality on

*How to install (click the spoilers to read)*

Signed APKs do work on all Android devices (rooted + non-rooted).
Signed APKs are in the most cases the only provided files by the mod publisher as they work for everyone.

1.) Remove the original game/app.
2.) Download the MOD APK.
3.) Install the downloaded MOD APK.
4.) Enjoy.

Google login possible? No.
Facebook login possible? Yes. But you have to remove the Facebook App from your device.
Specific game account login possible (for example: E-Mail, HIVE, Kakao)? Yes.

- If you used our MOD APK before and just want to update, you can install the new MOD APK on top of the old without...

PMT VIP MOD Ancestors King of Gods Ver. 0.0.21 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier, No Ads Unlocked

  • 1,126
  • 1

Playstore Link: Ancestors:King of Gods - Apps on Google Play

Game Name: Ancestors:King of Gods
Game Version: v0.0.21
Game Package: com.bamboojoy.sqsd
Needs OBB: No
Needs Root: No
Needs License: Yes! Get your license here
Special Thanks To: @AndnixSH
《Ancestors:King of Gods》 is a brand new idle card mobile game set in an apocalyptic era where meteorites fall and creatures mutate. In this game, you will get to explore an unknown world with primitive humans, orcs, and dinosaurs, challenge powerful enemies, and uncover unknown secrets! The game features new idle and SLG (simulation strategy) gameplay, allowing you to experience the clash of wildness and wisdom while enjoying relaxing idle battles!

Game Features:
= A New Idle Mobile Game, Explore the Primitive World =
You don't need to constantly operate the game. The auto-run feature will help you complete boring combat tasks. You can enjoy the fun of battle and collect resources and experience at any time, making it easy to build the strongest tribe!

= Ancient Heroes Awaken, Summon Powerful Allies =
In the...