Recent content by NhoNYC

  1. Tutorial NEW Pairip Kill Tutorial ( tested on VPNIFY )

    What is CRC ? and how to Patch bro?
  2. Help! Hook negative value

    Hi there, I'm trying to turn game price to negative value so money increase when i click buy. int (*old_get_int__)(void *instance); int get_int__(void *instance) { if ( instance != NULL ) { int number = old_get_int__(instance); return number * -1; } return...
  3. Help! Help with Hooking and KittyMemory

    Hello, I use kittymemory. It works fine with armv7, but not work with arm64-v8a. Please hint me
  4. Help! How to find function name in native lib

    Your tutorial for the lib that contains function name. Not work on my case.