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  1. OA [Shared] Summer Memories+ - Expansion DLC (18+) v2.02 MOD

    I play it recently,unfortunately I don't see any peeking event in the game,just the MC ask the girls to getting bath together...also I complete all the ending but still curious about that tub assault thingy 😅
  2. OA [Shared] Summer Memories+ - Expansion DLC (18+) v2.02 MOD

    Is there any information about the skill named "tub assault" in this expansion dlc? I mean this skill is different than the toilet assault one,I found the skill information at steam update anyway...
  3. OA [Shared] Summer Memories+ - Expansion DLC (18+) v2.02 MOD

    I got that skill as well anyway so I can play the video from the gachaman gave me but the strange video,it wasn't that glitch or something....thx for the quote sir🙏
  4. OA [Shared] Summer Memories+ - Expansion DLC (18+) v2.02 MOD

    Hello need help,I got strange video at night but couldn't play it even at midnight...ooh I played the video that gachaman gave me and it does work but the strange video doesn't,any suggestion guys?