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  1. Help! Detouring functions in android games

    There are alot of hooking libraries for android, Substrate for 32 bit and 64InlineHook for 64 bit
  2. Tutorial Getting the address of a library

    That is cool, but like i said, having an exploit that works both on split and non split apk is better
  3. Tutorial Getting the address of a library

    That could also work, but you cant expect everyone to have the unsplit version of the game, for example on bug bounties, triagers will not blindly install an apk you gave to them. So having an exploit that works both on split and unsplit version of the game is better
  4. Tutorial Getting the address of a library

    When obtaining the address of a library, i commonly see people, searching for the library in the memory map of the game. Take octowolves template for example Hooking-Template-With-Mod-Menu/Utils.h at master · Octowolve/Hooking-Template-With-Mod-Menu DWORD findLibrary(const char *library) {...
  5. Dump Arena of Valor Dump

    Can you tell us, how you dumped it? I've been trying it myself and cant figure it out
  6. Tutorial ARM64 Unity String Function Hooking LGL Menu

    How do i inject it to the game?