Search results

  1. Help! Help how hook this

    _ ConsumeOrderSuccess = (void (*) (void*, monoString*, monoString*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x1234567);

    silly copy paster
  3. Help! Root Protection

    i did not even write in one language i just used i guess 3 languages in this 2 liners lol. for this kind of stuff you do not need any libs it is 100% possible to write it just with the language itself for Android App use JAVA for Android Native use CPP just write in any language you are...
  4. Help! Root Protection

    write it in any language you want... string pathFile = "/system/bin/su"; if(pathFile.Exist()){ print("Root detected"); } if you cannot write a simple check like this, then you have bigger problems than root detection.
  5. Help! (200$) Help Modify Obscured types for ARM64 and libil2cpp unity3d

    this guy is from Vietnam, means 200$ a month salary there.
  6. Help! Help!, How to call a void with button ?

    then it might be not the right address / function
  7. Solved Decrypt and modify file (unity3d game)

    if you wanna decrypt the strings then yes, with ida. if you wanna have the functions names. NO. NEVER. if you wanna decypt globalmeta or il2cpp you need to find probalbly in libunity, where the il2cpp gets loaded... and so on, you need to follow it by your own over ida to see when it gets...
  8. Solved Decrypt and modify file (unity3d game)

    be happy with the dump.cs but there is no way in decrypting more of it. the real names of the functions are gone.
  9. Help! Execute own Lua code

    Any ideas?
  10. Help! CreateString more arguments.

    Hey i would like to know if anyone can tell me whats the fix for CreateString(sbyte) if it doesnt exist. Thank you for the help. // RVA: 0x2CDD134 Offset: 0x2CDD134 VA: 0x2CDD134 private string CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length) { } // RVA: 0x2CDEC74 Offset...
  11. Tutorial How to modify Unity's Il2cpp String method's

    and what is the fix? // RVA: 0x2CDD134 Offset: 0x2CDD134 VA: 0x2CDD134 private string CreateString(sbyte* value, int startIndex, int length) { } // RVA: 0x2CDEC74 Offset: 0x2CDEC74 VA: 0x2CDEC74 private string CreateString(char* value, int startIndex, int length) { } //...
  12. Help! SecNeo protection.

    you need to give more infos if you ask a question, what game, maybe the protection or problem and screenshots maybe. the way you ask will be an exhausting back and forth with you to talk about the real problem.
  13. Help! Different Functions, explanation.

    Could someone enlighten me/us what these function are, are they different and if what is different?
  14. Help! Finding an Instance from a function

    I have a problem to find an instance for my need. What do i want. Let me explain it by a example. I have for example 100 items in the world, imagine 100 boxes laying around on the gras, and i can loop through these boxes by LIST<itemBox>. But to see whats inside these boxes i need to press a...
  15. Tutorial FRIDA API Set Up and Injection (Hook,Unity)

    @erucix what kind of device do you use? and do you still using it?
  16. Help! How to live debug an android game library using ida pro on windows?

    beautiful help @Yaskashije good guide, it seems you also followed this tutorial, maybe, otherwise you wouldnt post it here. even this is now more than 2 years old i would like to ask some questions. im using a S6 Samsung rooted phone and tried the game Puzzles&Survivals latest version 1. when...
  17. Tutorial Remote debugging and dumping using gdbserver

    Hey, thanks for this guide here, but i have a similar question to this topic, does it make any differences to debug on a real phone over USB vs WIFI ? Maybe data transfer problems? or connection issues? thank you for your time
  18. Help! How To Dump Call Of Duty Mobile (IOS)

    What is COD using for an anticheat/protection ?
  19. Solved Help with obfuscated Assembly-CSharp.dll

    the good thing here, it seems the game is not obfuscated. be happy : )
  20. Source Change by address in lua | Game Guardian

    lua guides or information are really rare, it would be awesome to see some beginner stuff like how to modify the behavoir of games which using this kind of script engine with unity. @JokerArt @NullCoder but ofc if you just think "dude f**k you mate lol" could you point me to anything what...
  21. READ! 3 Million Members Celebration! 300 FREE VIP packages to win worth ~3000 Euro / ~3100 USD!

    this win game must be true, how do i know? cause he has an itachi avatar and we all know itachi never lied right @sasuke lol
  22. Help! does anyone know how to solve this?

    honor hm? comes from someone who betrayed his whole village. :pepe008:
  23. Solved how to decrypt lua files without key?

    i dont wanna offend you, and i really like topics about lua. But please stop writting like someone who is a retard.
  24. Help! Can we add something on a List?

    @HekaHeka709 just imagine somone is coming into this forum like you and ask a question maybe exact the same like you did right now and must read this. how will it help him ? if you have the solution for a problem you ask for, atleast post the 5 lines you wrote. Doesnt matter if your issue here...
  25. Solved Hook

    tutorials, just search for it Android Function Hooking Tutorial - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps
  26. Help! Lua Execution for Lua Games

    @NotALegitGuy it would be nice if you could give me the source code of the ones you were using as a reference, i cannot find public sources with lua. you said: " I learned by practicing and looking at source codes and also getting help from other devs, what you could do is look at the Lua...
  27. Help! Non Unity Game Mod Menu

    Hello community, iam searching now again for a few hours and couldnt really find anything to my question "can i use the same modmenu like i use for unity games also for cocos2dx or UE games" ofc i dont try to load the il2cpp file from a non unity game, but just the question is it possible to...
  28. Tutorial IDA Pro: How to decompile to pseudocode

    i tested the version 7.6 and its for ARM32