AOS APP [Tested] + WARP: Safer Internet (Beta) v6.48 (WARP+ Unlocked)

ReTested by PTT – Neon-An
" Report reason — Checking connection on shows that warp=on not warp=plus, which mean it's still WARP not WARP+ and gateway=off when enabling Zero Trust which mean it's a fake Zero Trust feature."


Note – Basically those features that are server based are not unlocked, In this mod you will have unlimited warp but not warp=plus. And for Zero trust it's the same first you need a correct Gateway DOH Subdomain (may still not work because of server sided)
if warp+ its server sided and dont work, so the whole point of app its even whorse, adverstise a mod who does the same as free option would do, means its not working at all, the fake Zero Trust its server side too, meaning the mod its just an skin for the free one
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ptt neon-an working

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