C cuteangelwings Rookie May 31, 2020 #721 Any website that locks their links under login and says they don't do pop up ads are full of shit. This website is one of them.
Any website that locks their links under login and says they don't do pop up ads are full of shit. This website is one of them.
C cuteangelwings Rookie May 31, 2020 #722 All these people replied with a thanks before they even tried it. Guess what you can't edit your comments anymore after. FUCKING SHIT WEBSITE.
All these people replied with a thanks before they even tried it. Guess what you can't edit your comments anymore after. FUCKING SHIT WEBSITE.
V vaevictisd Platinian May 31, 2020 #723 Just tried it. Works as it should. Free upgrades on buildings, and no kisses spent on store.