beta or they lie about the game, it 2020, they update their website post it say not censor in the bottom page so yeah take it a salt on your wound.I can't play video (2 vids) each girl has. insufficient feelings, or no beach suit. I change her to beach suit but still no enough feeling
heart beep over 30
*not video for vip p2w
any idea?
oops accidently posted in cunt hunter instead of cunt wars ignore my post yall :)Yo can anyone help me? i genuinely enjoy playing but i keep getting banned cause i think i abuse it and thats my fault completely but the problem is im new to this mod apk stuff so i dont know what specifically equates to abusing it aside from the "not recommended" or like max x3 that op puts so i wanna ask can someone help me with a detailed way to not get banned?