Not Working [18+] Cunt Hunter [Eroges] v1.0 MOD APK

Hmm how do get her to move to the next area cause went I log in I was able to meet her in 2nd area, now she won't move from the first area. Can't move her to next area for me try getting 1.5mill for insert the pin.
Oh I finally gotten all the area unlock sh.t was a pain in the ass to get the specific points to unlock them AREA. Also i gotten the other 2 girls unlock as well , at one point I has to buy all the outfit on Hana first, buy another 2 extra set for the 2 girls, I still can't to acess the video sense, it kept f..king say not a enough feelings bitch I have Hana heart at 2,550, around 21 for the another 2 girls, I put in 5 buck that can get me max VIP that let watch the private sense only not video anyway after you complete the Hentai finger motion with your hand you can rewatch but the girls are not nude I don't why it a f..king hentai game, you see max chick nude but you can't undress the 3 main girls.
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