OA Outdated [18+] Cunt Wars v1.63 [Nutaku and non Nutaku], Mega menu mod, money, VIP, damage mod apk

I don't think summoning gets you banned even using godness summon. Why? Because I summoned for 9+ hours in league 28 or immediately when I could after the basic tutorial and I never got banned after a whole day passed. 9 hours of those was summoning with a macro while keeping an eye on the game while doing other things the rest was sleeping etc. I managed to have a soul called Wrathy have over 485k cards of herself(485000) and Bastet have over 350k. The average amount of cards I had for every legendary and epic soul you could get early game was between 170-190k. In other words ever single legendary and epic soul I had at the time had over 170k cards of themselves that I could use to evolve/level up/ reborn them. I had this account for a WHOLE DAY without being banned. While before that I would be banned between 9-12 hours Mainly directly after opening too many event chests or league chests or using too many boosts at a time. Also x3 damage and hp is most likely a delayed ban like other people above have said. I only got banned on the account with 170k average souls between epic and legendary souls after I started doing league and using boosts and using x3 damage and x3 health.

I have compiled the ultimate way to not get banned.
1: Never spam buy boosts
2: Never open league or event chests
3: Never use x3 health or x3 damage
4: It is recommended to not use VIP although I have no evidence to suggest that VIP = ban since in the sfw version of the game that doesn't seem to be the case.
5: Don't use Draw all league cards,
6: Don't unlock battle pass
7: Don't use Journey instant win. It's unnatural. I don't have concreate evidence that using it results in ban but don't use it just in case.
8: unlimited gems from gem mine probably isn't safe (I have no evidence just a hunch)
9: Free all pvp chest is very unsafe don't use this feature.

Here are things I believe are safe result in a much more delayed ban anywhere between a week or more I assume.
1: Unlimited Money is safe
2: Spam buying cards in shop is safe and not really an issue (The issue may arise if you decide to level up your souls too quickly)
3: VIP should be safe since I used a macro to spam summon on the godness summon for about a day without getting banned or It's an extremely delayed ban.
4: Pit is mostly safe. Follow what others have said and maybe don't beat the last boss. I beat the last boss in sfw version and haven't been banned yet so idk.

As far as i'm concerned unlimited summon is fine. What the anti cheat probably detects is how fast you level up your souls rather than how many times you've summoned I guess since there are whales in the game. Would they also tip the anti cheat off too. Top 10 players have probably spent anywhere from 10s of thousands to millions on this game. So I'm confident that you should at least not get banned from danmaku summoning since there are at least 10-15 legit players also doing so in the top 10 time from time.

Basically anything deemed as "unnatural" by anti cheat will get you banned!
Hi guys. For anyone wondering how to use the MOD V1 without getting banned i will tell you my findings.
1. Draw all league cards - not bannable (i'm pretty sure it doesnt work but i can't be sure since i didnt get mant epics/legos)
2. Unlimited currency - bannable
3. Damage multiplyer/Health multiplyer - used it a few times didn't get banned but i still don't advise it
4. Low cost - don't abuse it too much
5. Jorney instant win - not bannable
6. Pit win - works well just don't kill the last boss
7. Butt Pass - not bannable
8. Reward Multi - not bannable just dont use it on journey battles. Don't use it for sparks on event mobs also, but use it on claiming the mission reward sparks
9. VIP - max it out, you won't get banned
Edit: The only thing you should worry about are manual bans for discord so if you get a good lego with multiplier don't level it up too much untill reaching a later league bcz someone might screen shot it and send it to CW mods to check you (eg. you're in league 19 and using a level 8 leggo that you got from an event chest.)
Additional info
Using Unlimited Currency is safe. Buying gold, card, elixir, event spark, guild contribution, copper coin, and ancient coin except for spamming boost. Buying event spark is unbannable for the past 3 days. I'm spamming it and reached the top 10 in rankings of the event like Sneaky Slider. Tips: instead of using Low cost and Evolve Cost Reduction in the cheat menu. Use guild bonuses, it has bitches' level-up costs 25% less, Evolve costs 30% less and more bonuses. I recommend at least reaching League 19 and playing the game for 2 weeks or more. Don't talk to world chat when you fucking have 8 legendary bitches and the opened chest is around 10k or more not even reaching League 17 or higher. I think someone reports you for cheating.
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