PMT FREE MOD [18+] Slutty Journey (Erogames) Ver. 2.86 MOD APK | God | Crit | DMG

Need Ella 2048 mod please .....
Ella 2048 had been guarded by strong app, I already seen in Discord that they are being serious of banning those who used 3rd party app without mercy since I was member in there.
Most Nutaku games already using strong protection against mod or cheats to prevent unfair games.
But sadly, Nutaku itself was SCUM because they itself killed devs if devs cant meet their own quota by the time they reach deadline time.
Many games in Nutaku library are dead and abandoned by devs yet they wont shut it down because Devs are still having debt with Nutaku itself.
Like it or not, joining the publisher is Double-edge sword, everything has its own cost to pay and most of time, Devs is the one who suffers a lot due being pressured by publisher itself since GREED always been there.
The only thing that keep Devs alive is having a good game and big community that help them alot, but it was momentarily till Nutaku asked them for more.
Right now, Project QT is already going downhill so fast that you cant survive being bombarded by whale players everyday and most events are money-oriented. Same with Kamihime Project, but community itself is toxic due hardcore fan-based
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