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Not Working 7-Sins Dragon Nest Mobile Private Server DNM UNLIMITED Diamonds,Gold,dragon coin (CAN REFILL ask GM ) SERVER (SEA)

So most private server are started by developers of the game? I thought huge companies would keep better track of who has access to their source codes
Started from people which got the source code. Don't have to be any developers from the Game. But idk if this counts for Mobile private Servers too. It counts atleast for private servers from PC Games. Like i had a metin2 private server in the past and for that you need the source code.

Yes on PC for sure... too many variables.

But a simple card game like hearthstone or a game like clash royale could probably be reverse-engineered, as the server does not have to keep track of as many data points and variables. But then it would be a lot of work, which is not worth it if you cant make money from it.

So my guess is most of the actually functional ones are probably leaked. by devs or hosting leaks.