We know like 99% of all Ideas which could come to your mind for our forum already.
We thought about like 90284902184 things which could be useful but aren't possible yet.
Xenforo is a prebuild forum software like wotlab which many, many ppl uses and somehow no one is able to create new stuff for it due to it's complexity.
Thats why xenforo devs are rare and extremly expensive.
The other thing about the license system, when we use the license system on every single mod, it will get cracked in like no time because everyone has access to it. And then not only "some" but A LOT of ppl will try to leech it.
And for things like badges, categories like "rpgs, fps", categories like "online/offline" game, stuff like a own platinmods application ->
We're just doing this as a hobby, we don't have the capacity to do that yet.
This is not our job, therefore we have just limited time to implement new things.
And before we invest this little time into creating something visually like badges, we're better investing it into higher quality for our Mods and mod features.
We know like a shit ton of stuff which could be good to add, but there is simply no reason to add them rn and focusing on them.