Rejected Request AFK Arena v1.14.02

At least they could give us an answer, some message saying that there is no way to modify this game.
I gave you already long ago an Answer.
We have over 2.000 Requests, thats the Answer buddy.
Every Modder here can take what he want, he musn't mod.
He can say suddenly " i don't want anymore" and drop all his Mods.
This is our FREE TIME which we spend here and the most Popular Games needs high knowledge in modding/Programming, some are impossible.
So WHEN anyone is able to mod this Game, then only the really good ones, but the good ones have already many mods to update and they have already many hard mods.
Said this already to you weeks ago, brings nothing for you to write all the time " MayBe ThEy ArE NoT GooD EnoUGh Or ThIS GaMe Is ImPossIbLe To MoD", or write me ( like you do in the past ) all time if i had success with the Game etc.

When you can't wait for a Mod, then try it by yourself, that would help all People here alot, but annoy Modders with Sentences like "At least they could give us an answer, some message saying that there is no way to modify this game." brings nothing.
You can be glad that im answer to this Thread, because everybody know, that we normally not response to Mod Requests, only when we reject or fill them.

So the short answer: Be Patient, maybe impossible, maybe not, no one knows, when you can't be patient, try it by yourself.
We have not only to Mod Games, this is a nearly 500.000(!!) Users Site, to have a big Site like this is not only " Mod, Upload Game, finish".
At this point, I'm pretty sure everything in this game is server side. A friend and I have attempted multiple edits to the APK and it either results in a Korean error or the game crashes when we obtain anything.
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