Open Request Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp C


Solid & Active Platinian

Game Name: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp C

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Paid apk
  • Unlimited leaf tickets
  • Unlimited gold
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
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Thank you again EmanYalpsid! Very trustworthy and wonderful person who is here to help out everyone! I appreciate it so much, can't wait to go on a shopping spree!!!

Just reminding everyone how to do this again if you need help.
  1. Make sure you have at least two (2) Complete Tickets.
  2. Backup your save under Misc. > About Changing Devices > Store Save Data.
  3. DM your Nintendo account information (login, password) to @EmanYalpsid
  4. Make sure you're online when they respond so you can give the security code to login (goes to your e-mail.)
  5. Wait patiently for EmanYalpsid to finish!
  6. Delete the game and redownload it to reload your save and have fun! Don't forget to change your Nintendo account password
r they still taking requests now? or is ot over?
For anyone who wants 9,999 Complete tickets (It's the max value),
You will need at least 2 complete tickets to start with. (Make my life easier)
Complete tickets will be added to the device transfer request.
hi! i was wondering if you’re still doing this and if you are, can i DM you once i get another complete ticket? there’s so much stuff i want but i can’t get cause i never played the OG version.
hi! i was wondering if you’re still doing this and if you are, can i DM you once i get another complete ticket? there’s so much stuff i want but i can’t get cause i never played the OG version.
also wondering if there’s a way like this to get more fortune cookies, and the sanrio stuff?
For anyone wanted to mod their acpcc, scroll back in this thread for discord channel. There's many tutorials how to do it or people that willing to help as well

Edit :
I'm no longer accepting requests, sorry

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