feeg245 Just Crazy Yesterday at 5:06 PM #201 I have a problem with my installation 100% waiting for it to load
U Ungoko Awesome Active Platinian Yesterday at 10:01 PM #202 Now im.bannned..using x 5 dmg only due to suspicios activity. As my previous post with screenshot doing campaign with my low power vs HIGH enemies power... Devz detected suspicios activity and banned.
Now im.bannned..using x 5 dmg only due to suspicios activity. As my previous post with screenshot doing campaign with my low power vs HIGH enemies power... Devz detected suspicios activity and banned.
P PJoey Rookie Today at 6:07 AM #203 Got banned without even actually using the cheats. Just installing the modded APK. Possibly some auto ban still in work, or a detection for root?
Got banned without even actually using the cheats. Just installing the modded APK. Possibly some auto ban still in work, or a detection for root?
U Ungoko Awesome Active Platinian Today at 6:09 AM #204 PJoey said: Got banned without even actually using the cheats. Just installing the modded APK. Possibly some auto ban still in work, or a detection for root? Click to expand... Devz goods at findings cheater...lol
PJoey said: Got banned without even actually using the cheats. Just installing the modded APK. Possibly some auto ban still in work, or a detection for root? Click to expand... Devz goods at findings cheater...lol