Cara pakenya gimana ? WkwkBaik bngt bang gratisan, d dream mod malah d jual![]()
I suggest watching tutorial on YT there are several video tutorial on how to install magisk and lsposed on emulatorsThanks for the hard work but could you please help newbies like myself with Magisk?
I installed Nox and hardly managed to install magisk but must I install Zygisk? (I tried and had an error message about magisk version too old despite downloading via the links you gave us)
And that is the further I went...
Could you please make a step by step tutorial for beginners?
no root tidur aja, mau pake virtual jg gamenya ga support, cuma bisa emulator di pcTutor dong cara instal dan pasang nya, HP gua android tapi blm di root
No need for an explanation since there are many tutorial out there across video platform like YT and it's kinda easy to do it since it's similar to android the difference is you need to install magisk delta not magisk you can find magisk delta in here Release v26.4-kitsune-2 · HuskyDG/magisk-files@dewadw can you explain how to use it on LD player