Discussion Black Ops Zombies USB MOD MENU | XBOX | TU13 | Red Dawn & Public Cheater


PMT Modder
Staff member

Game Name: Black Ops Zombies
Game Version: TU13
Needs JTAG: No
Needs Bypass: Yes (Load savegame bypass, use 2nd controller to sign into modded profile, save and exit right away, & go straight to zombies. Sign out of 2nd modded profile and patch it again everytime you load up a new public match for Red Dawn (Public Cheater does not require this). Private match is still patched unless if you run an RGH to trigger whitelist cmd or toggle private match UI; this can be done by setting a bind and using when you break out of the chair in the main menu.)

MOD Binds:
#. Remember to load GPD 1 twice in match due to some bug I need to currently work out.
#. Also note this method is quite limited due to vstr removal and GPD size; there are certainly work arounds like placing code in the svg or load more profiles, but I don't wannnnnaaa.
1. OnLoad - Gun X Position, UI Infections
2. BACK - Toggle Menu
3. START - Give Modded Name (Use guide button to pause game.)
4. DPAD LEFT / RIGHT - Scroll Through Menu
5. A / RSTICK - Select Option
6. APAD_DOWN - Give Ammo
1. BACK - Activate Main Mods (All Player Cmds Like Gravity & Speed, ClanName, Game Text, Field of View, Rapid Burst Weapons, Move Up For Ammo, Give DefaultWeapon & Monkeys)
2. RSTICK - Reset Actions Buttons
3. START - Cycle & Drop Weapon Set 1
4. RB - Cycle & Drop Weapon Set 2
5. DPAD RIGHT - Main Menu

A: God
B: Noclip
X: Notarget
LB: 3rd Person
6. DPAD LEFT - Visuals Menu
A: Toggle Chrome
B: Toggle Red Vision
Y: Toggle Fullbright
X: Toggle Flame / Checkerboard Effect Map Specific
LB: Toggle Poison Effect
7. DPAD UP - Weapons Menu
A: Give Raygun
B: Give Mustang & Sally
Y: Drop Weapon
X: Gun Position X
LB: Gun Position Z
8. DPAD DOWN - AI Menu
A: Toggle Timescale
B: Toggle AI Spawn
Y: Delete Active AI
X: Toggle AI Frozen
1. START- Activate Infection: Debug Text, FPS Text, FoV, Gun X, Burst Rapid, Warning Colors, Overhead Name, Chrome, Red Vision, Some Random Ah Red Box (Combine w/ Cronus Aim Assist Bot for Enhanced Feeling)
2. APADs - Refill Ammo, Effect Immunity (Host)

Credit to: GuzJ, DaModder420, CabooseSayzWTF, Vaporewave, xKoVx, Xero, & Entire Black Ops Scene




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Last edited:
Updated. Added Public Cheater version which does not require resigning into modded profile in order to infect. This may be changed to just a single SVG for this specific release in the possible future.
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