Not Working Boxing Star: KO Master Ver. 3.0.0 MOD Menu APK | Damage Multiplier | God Mode

I downloaded it from Mega, the mirror link and installed it into my NOX player. Just beware, that this game is huge and needs some time with downloading and installing. lol - Anyways, just make sure, to set your settings in NOX to DirectX, then it'll work. Also, at first start of the game, a permission window pops up. Just switch there the overlay permission to on, so the menu can appear in the game. - If you done all right, then all should work. Even the mod is working well. :)
Oh, i forgot to mention: Be cautious with the damage multplier, because, it applies also to the opponent. If you set the multiplier higher, then it can happens, that your opponent KO you with one hit. hahaha
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boxing star: ko master boxing star: ko master mod boxing star: ko master platinmods

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