Not Working Calling of Angels Private Server Free Diamonds, GM Shop (English)

If you guys asking why this game cant be played anymore because of :
1. Registration was closed on January 2021 and Shutdown notification was added
2. Since shutdown announcement is notified, effective shutdown at end of February thus game is unplayable anymore.
3. Game is already dead when entering March and you dont need to download anymore.
registnya gmn gan bisa kasih tutornya?
Gak bisa bro, gamenya udah tutup dari Maret. Registrasi dah ditutup dari akhir Januari semalam karena notif tutup game udah keluar saat itu.
Kalau notifnya dah keluar, otomatis semuanya ditutup sama sekali, yang udah regis bisa main sampe tutup game sepenuhnya.
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