Where to get this file main.200513.com.carxtech.carxdr2.obb
To make it easier for you, search what an obb is ,
When you download a large game, some of them have obb, including carx drift 2 , you either download the obb from the link provided by the modder, or when you download the game normally from the play store , to keep the obb when the store downloads it to put it for the modded game : ite if you can't access and edit the abb files try using ZArchiver
Now you go to its path : android - obb - com.carxtech.carxdr2
And rename ( com.carxtech.carxdr2 ) to something else like( com.carxtech.carxdr1 ) and nkw uninstall the play store version, install the modded apk, and now go to the same path and name it back to normal ( com.carxtech.carxdr2 )
Now you have to pay attention to the game's version cod, again from ZArchiver go to where you downloaded the modded apk, long press it and press ( information) now look for the version cod, for this particular apk you will find it is 200513
Now check the obb you have, inside com.carxtech.carxdr2 there will be one of those two : main.100514.com.carxtech.carxdr2.obb
( some times the numbers are different)
Now if the file name includes the version code of the apk you want to install, just put the obb in its path, install apk and play
If its different, lets say main.100513.com.carxtech.carxdr2.obb or something else
Rename the numbers to the version code wich we said is 200513 in this case, and now you are good to go
This is because one is for the 32 bit version of the game and the other is 64 bit
Note : sometimes, if a game's version code is lets say : 8800513, taking an obb with a different version code renaming it may not work and you have to get the actual 8800513 from some games website
Note: the modder of this carx mod didn't pay attention that the obb in the link he provided doesn't have a similar version code as the apk, so do not download the obb from that link, try the play store method first and if its obb is not main.200513.com.carxtech.carxdr2.obb then look for it elsewhere