I have been trying to mod this Game with no success Google Link- The Horus Heresy: Legions TCG - Apps on Google Play
Download link- https://cdn.down-apk.com/com.Everguild.HorusHeresy/The Horus Heresy: Legions TCG_2.1.2_apkcombo.com.apk?ecp=Y29tLkV2ZXJndWlsZC5Ib3J1c0hlcmVzeS8yLjEuMi8zMDA0MTEuOGE3YzEzYzYxZWQ3YmZjZTdlMTk2OWY3MzA5ZmQyMjE3YmE5NGNjMS5hcGs=&iat=1644456379&sig=956c01e6316a74f0d650930b2f5b5e16&size=123322345&from=cf&version=latest&mirror=main
My issue is that i cant bypass the codestage Anticheat Im New to This but i get the concept
Im using Dnspy and i can find the class that i want to change-
And i thought that if i called -
this.StopDetectionInternal(); it would stop it when codestage started-
Also i used this.StopDetectionInternal(); on one more class OnCheatingDetected -
Just tryin to prevent it from starting
Then i tried to mod the coins with this line
// Token: 0x170006B1 RID: 1713
// (get) Token: 0x06003239 RID: 12857 RVA: 0x000025C8 File Offset: 0x000007C8
// (set) Token: 0x0600320C RID: 12812 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253
[Token(Token = "0x170006B1")]
public ObscuredInt playerCoins
[Address(RVA = "0x18A5904", Offset = "0x18A5904", VA = "0x18A5904")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85C0D4", Offset = "0x85C0D4")]
[Token(Token = "0x6003239")]
return 999999999;
[Token(Token = "0x600320C")]
[Address(RVA = "0x18A2CA0", Offset = "0x18A2CA0", VA = "0x18A2CA0")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85BFF4", Offset = "0x85BFF4")]
private set
but it didnt work when i tried the mod
the next step i did was use hex editor to mod the libil2cpp.so with the hex codes i made in dnSpy
I got the codes this way -
Then Coped the hex instructions to use in hdx on the libil2cpp.so
The Way i got the offset to change in hdx was by coping the offset from dnspy-
I then used Ctrl-G to find offset
Ctrl-B to insert the hex instructions
Repeated for coins and Anti Cheat.
i then recompiled the apk with apktool tried the mod and it didnt work any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks And Happy Modding
Download link- https://cdn.down-apk.com/com.Everguild.HorusHeresy/The Horus Heresy: Legions TCG_2.1.2_apkcombo.com.apk?ecp=Y29tLkV2ZXJndWlsZC5Ib3J1c0hlcmVzeS8yLjEuMi8zMDA0MTEuOGE3YzEzYzYxZWQ3YmZjZTdlMTk2OWY3MzA5ZmQyMjE3YmE5NGNjMS5hcGs=&iat=1644456379&sig=956c01e6316a74f0d650930b2f5b5e16&size=123322345&from=cf&version=latest&mirror=main
My issue is that i cant bypass the codestage Anticheat Im New to This but i get the concept
Im using Dnspy and i can find the class that i want to change-
And i thought that if i called -
this.StopDetectionInternal(); it would stop it when codestage started-
Also i used this.StopDetectionInternal(); on one more class OnCheatingDetected -
Just tryin to prevent it from starting
Then i tried to mod the coins with this line
// Token: 0x170006B1 RID: 1713
// (get) Token: 0x06003239 RID: 12857 RVA: 0x000025C8 File Offset: 0x000007C8
// (set) Token: 0x0600320C RID: 12812 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253
[Token(Token = "0x170006B1")]
public ObscuredInt playerCoins
[Address(RVA = "0x18A5904", Offset = "0x18A5904", VA = "0x18A5904")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85C0D4", Offset = "0x85C0D4")]
[Token(Token = "0x6003239")]
return 999999999;
[Token(Token = "0x600320C")]
[Address(RVA = "0x18A2CA0", Offset = "0x18A2CA0", VA = "0x18A2CA0")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85BFF4", Offset = "0x85BFF4")]
private set
but it didnt work when i tried the mod
the next step i did was use hex editor to mod the libil2cpp.so with the hex codes i made in dnSpy
I got the codes this way -
Then Coped the hex instructions to use in hdx on the libil2cpp.so
The Way i got the offset to change in hdx was by coping the offset from dnspy-
I then used Ctrl-G to find offset
Ctrl-B to insert the hex instructions
Repeated for coins and Anti Cheat.
i then recompiled the apk with apktool tried the mod and it didnt work any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks And Happy Modding