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Solved Codestage Bypass

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I have been trying to mod this Game with no success Google Link- The Horus Heresy: Legions TCG - Apps on Google Play
Download link- Horus Heresy: Legions

My issue is that i cant bypass the codestage Anticheat Im New to This but i get the concept

Im using Dnspy and i can find the class that i want to change-

And i thought that if i called -
this.StopDetectionInternal(); it would stop it when codestage started-

Also i used this.StopDetectionInternal(); on one more class OnCheatingDetected -

Just tryin to prevent it from starting

Then i tried to mod the coins with this line
// Token: 0x170006B1 RID: 1713
// (get) Token: 0x06003239 RID: 12857 RVA: 0x000025C8 File Offset: 0x000007C8
// (set) Token: 0x0600320C RID: 12812 RVA: 0x00002053 File Offset: 0x00000253
[Token(Token = "0x170006B1")]
public ObscuredInt playerCoins
[Address(RVA = "0x18A5904", Offset = "0x18A5904", VA = "0x18A5904")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85C0D4", Offset = "0x85C0D4")]
[Token(Token = "0x6003239")]
return 999999999;
[Token(Token = "0x600320C")]
[Address(RVA = "0x18A2CA0", Offset = "0x18A2CA0", VA = "0x18A2CA0")]
[Attribute(Name = "CompilerGeneratedAttribute", RVA = "0x85BFF4", Offset = "0x85BFF4")]
private set

but it didnt work when i tried the mod

the next step i did was use hex editor to mod the with the hex codes i made in dnSpy
I got the codes this way -

Then Coped the hex instructions to use in hdx on the

The Way i got the offset to change in hdx was by coping the offset from dnspy-

I then used Ctrl-G to find offset
Ctrl-B to insert the hex instructions
Repeated for coins and Anti Cheat.
i then recompiled the apk with apktool tried the mod and it didnt work any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks And Happy Modding
Dont bother it wont work nop or false on codestate anticheat, trust me IDA musst an then to look functions without it hxd will just give u faster ban or triger at least dawn of zombies
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