iTunes Link:

11/29より大感謝プレゼントフェスタ2024開催! 大規模アップデート! よりわかりやすく、より楽しくなった『白猫プロジェクトNEW WORLD'S』で新たな冒険を体験しよう!! ■『白猫プロジェクトNEW WORLD'S』概要 ・新たな職業「グランドクラス」登場! 簡単操作で強力な必殺技を叩き込め! 新アクション「ブレイクアタック」を使いこなして、敵に大ダメージを与えよう! ・バトルシステム「スキルコンビネーション」! 編成したキャラクターたちが次々と登場してみんなでスキルを発動! キャラクター編成と発動させるスキルの順番で無限の組み合わせが楽しめる!...
Game Name: (Colopl Rune Story Japan) 白猫プロジェクト
Game Version:v5.15.0
Bundle ID:jp.colopl.wcat
Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 16 and less.
Separate App-Icon: no
Supported Devices:
- iPhone 5s or newer
- iPod Touch 6G or newer
- iPad Air/Pro or newer
- iPad mini 2 or newer
- work for non-jailbroken and jailbroken devices.
How to install this IPA MOD (read carefully):
How to install Apple MODs / Cheats for iOS Devices without Jailbreak
Windows Sideloadly Install iTunes (Win32 Not UWP) 64 Bit Download 32 Bit Download Install Sideloadly 64 Bit Download 32 Bit Download Extract the application file, and open it. Connect your iOS device. Download the modded IPA from Platinmods. Drag the IPA file into the Sideloadly window...

*MOD Features*
- Loot Multiplier - x1 - 100
- Damage Multiplier
- Never Die
- Custom Damage
- Unlimited SP
- Move Speed Multiplier
Credits: ?
Free Download:
If credits are unknown or incorrect and you are the modder you are free to message @G-Bo and the credits will be corrected asap!
What you need to know about Shared-iMODs
Please enjoy the MOD and don't forget to visit us regularly for new MODs or updates =)