FREE MOD CSR Racing Ver. 5.1.3 Mega Mod Menu | Unlimited Gold | Unlimited Cash | Unlimited Fuel (9 Features)

Is it possible to mod the Nitrous Boost whenever you're facing Crew Bosses such that you can buy it for free AND without Wi-Fi? That's pretty much the only guaranteed way to get the cars of Crew Bosses, especially the ones in the World Tour.

If you can mod that, then this mod would be perfect :)

@Poison Modz - So have you tried including this mod yet? Or perhaps it's not possible? That Nitrous Boost that you can buy before racing Crew Bosses for the 4th and final time is the only way to beat them and get their cars, especially the ones on World Tour.

@Poison Modz I've tried multiple times to get this to work. It will work for a little while, but if I leave the app for a while and come back, it will crash and black screen. At that point, I try everything I know to try, but it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
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