Open Request Dawn of Zombies: Survival after the Last War 2.33


doz gp.png

Game Name:
Dawn of Zombies: Survival after the Last War

Google Play Store Link: Dawn of Zombies: Survival after the Last War - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: Dawn of Zombies for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: Free Build, craft, etc. and perhaps split hack. I have seen they managed to duplicate player storage on ios.Also any gold, in app purchases (eventhough i dont have high hopes for these ones)...

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Freedom, CreeHack, Lucky Patcher (all three on rooted device) and no luck with any of them.
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This game insta bans you, sorry guys. Spent a hour modding this obfuscated/spaghetti coded game only to find out it doesn't and will never work.


Close this request as it cannot be modded.!
[QUOTE = "r14v8, publicación: 1100838, miembro: 27656"]
Sí puede. Ya tengo un mod ruso que funciona como el mod alma grim pero me gustaría tener uno en inglés.

Pon el put the link that works for you
The ban check was done on the apps launch.

Then the subsequence check probably an hour or more later where it will lag your game until CTD or you quit.

If modder can do a bypass to this check then it would be marvelous.
For me, I dont even want any of those multiplayer stuff like chat, co-op...etc
Its slow down my game play.

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