Anyone would like to share their experience with this mod on PvP?
I been using for 1 - 2 months. Atk = 2, Def = 4.
No issue for previous season, probably because I only played a bit and just stopped at battle rank 50, not even ranked I think.
However for the season that just ended yesterday, I played quite a bit and got to season rank 1000+, but unfortunately received a warning from DBL team about detection of unfair play, and got zero rewards of course. Kind of weird, as the example they gave for unfair play was intentionally disconnecting from fight ,which I didn't do, but did encounter quite a number of such cases where the fist exchanges will like go on forever and eventually leading to a Draw. I thought the other party must be disconnecting or resorting to some tricks.
Anyway, good if folks can share their experience on PvP using mod. Perhaps it is safe if we keep seasonal rank to certain level, or maybe more subtle settings like Atk = 1, Def = 3 or something.