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PMT FREE MOD Dragon Ball Legends Ver. 5.15.0 MOD Menu APK | 12 Features! | ATK & DEF Multiplier | KI | Instant Win | KI | God Mode & much more!

Post number 67691 has been selected as best answered.

Actually the latest version 5.9.0 still has the following error: "This app cannot be played. Please update to the latest version through the appropriate app store" so I deduce that it is not true that it has been fixed. I tried to clear cache, force stop, allow, unallow and allow again all permission but nothing. I also tried to search for the latest version of the mod apk with the [fix] tag in the name but it doesn't exist. Does anyone have any suggestions for temporarily or permanently fixing this issue?
The fix tag was only for the very first update I made for the game hen the problem started, all new releases already have the fix implemented.
If you haven't tried the second suggestion, please do it.
The fix works well on my own device, and on ldplayer emulator. Will need to investigate this on other devices.
I have redownload about 5th time . After the second suggestions only the first time work or maybe 2 . Then the next day I open the problem still persist.
What do you mean by second suggestion? Do you mean downloading the apk from the mirror? Because I tried everything there was to "fix" the problem but nothing had any effect. I don't know if this helps but I have a Galaxy S24 Ultra.
Xuan kren
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action dragon ball legends dragon ball legends cheat dragon ball legends hack dragon ball legends instant win dragon ball legends mod dragon ball legends unlimited mod menu multiplayer single player stylized yeowang yeowang mod

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