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PMT FREE MOD Dragon Ball Legends Ver. 5.15.0 MOD Menu APK | 12 Features! | ATK & DEF Multiplier | KI | Instant Win | KI | God Mode & much more!

Post number 67691 has been selected as best answered.

So we just have to not use instant win in zenkai ultraspace-time rush ?
Version 5.10: the "This app cannot be played. Please update to the latest version through the appropriate app store" issue is still present despite numerous reports. I reluctantly see that reporting the problem was of no use and support seems non-existent. I will be forced to play the official version of the game since apparently the problem cannot be solved.
So we just have to not use instant win in zenkai ultraspace-time rush ?
i suggest that do not use it in all mode ( especially ultraspace-time & 30 floor zk , they have highest chance for getting banned because i had ever got once on last year after using it for an hours ) i suggest that using ' one hit ' with ' god mode ' instead of ' instant win '
Anyway just use at your own risk
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action dragon ball legends dragon ball legends cheat dragon ball legends hack dragon ball legends instant win dragon ball legends mod dragon ball legends unlimited mod menu multiplayer single player stylized yeowang yeowang mod

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