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Dynamic dark A12 icon pack - Apps on Google Play
Dark, A12-styled adaptive icon pack that changes colors with your wallpaper
All modern launchers that support icon packs are supported. This icon pack does not work with your stock launcher unless you have an option to apply icon packs. This applies to the stock Pixel launcher in Android 12
The widgets shown in previews are part of Android 12 and are not included in the icon pack!
Please make sure to re-apply the icon pack if the icons don't change color after changing wallpaper. This is a launcher limitation and not caused by the icon pack
If you want a version that maintains a light appearance or change colors with dark theme, please check out my other icon packs.
It includes 12000+ icons, and counting
The following launchers are not compatible:
ABC, Action, Atom, Aviate, Evie, Flick, Lucid, M, Microsoft Launcher, Mini, Next, Google Pixel Launcher, Solo, Zero. Most of pre-installed launchers are not supported either. Please check if your system launcher supports dynamic icons before purchasing.
Make sure your launcher has an option to change icon shapes. Otherwise, you will end up with square icons.
Recommended launchers:
Nova, Lawnchair, Apex, Niagra, Smart, Posidon, Hyperion, ADW, Holo (HD), Square
What's New:
1200 new icons
The widgets shown in previews are part of Android 12 and are not included in the icon pack!
Please make sure to re-apply the icon pack if the icons don't change color after changing wallpaper. This is a launcher limitation and not caused by the icon pack
If you want a version that maintains a light appearance or change colors with dark theme, please check out my other icon packs.
It includes 12000+ icons, and counting
The following launchers are not compatible:
ABC, Action, Atom, Aviate, Evie, Flick, Lucid, M, Microsoft Launcher, Mini, Next, Google Pixel Launcher, Solo, Zero. Most of pre-installed launchers are not supported either. Please check if your system launcher supports dynamic icons before purchasing.
Make sure your launcher has an option to change icon shapes. Otherwise, you will end up with square icons.
Recommended launchers:
Nova, Lawnchair, Apex, Niagra, Smart, Posidon, Hyperion, ADW, Holo (HD), Square
What's New:
1200 new icons
*Special Features*
Modded Google play/LP not needed
Security check removed
Unwanted files/Folders removed
Optimized graphics/ zipalighned
Remove default .source name of java files;
Debug Info Removed
Original package signature changed;
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