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PMT FREE MOD E.T.E Chronicle (EN) Ver. 3.1.9 MOD Menu APK | Damage & Defense Multiplier

You can use it in the event,but to use it in the arena it either has to be your first time using a mod or you have to be very stupid.
Nothing new about this xD

Most users just like to abuse the shit out of the mods so that they can feel satisfied being at the top of the world.
If they got banned, then they will come back here and keep spamming and tagging modders hoping there's a miracle to unban their accounts.
Some even worse that will report the mod thread just trying to exploit every methods they can find.
The butthurt ones will then keep replying to others saying it's a waste of time to play the mod, or spreading misinformation that the modder doesn't care about the mod.

In the end it's a free mod, play if one like, leave it otherwise, it's not hard actually.
It's a hard to swallow bullet but this is the truth about most mod users.
Sorry, I am an idiot

so I used lucky patcher once, and got the mod to install over OG, but since i logged in to another device, i had to download OG version to log back in [apparently i got logged out). (this was using guide 1)]

After downloading the OG and logging in there, I tried the lucky patcher to re-install the mod over it (but install fail due to apk same name exist)
I tried the LSPosed method with core patch, also did not work.
Tried with Lsposed + Lucky patcher way, also did not work....
On Memu 12, where should I go from here? What am I doing wrong?
Guide used:
1) [Videotutorial] How To Login With Google+ Or Facebook App On Modded Games
2) How to install unsigned APK using Core Patch module (Root & Xposed required)
3) How to install unsigned APK using Lucky Patcher (Xposed method)
Please, be careful. We don't know the banrate the game will have when it updates. Its better to be safe than sorry
Apparently the dev/publisher is really sleepy, thus the game doesn't have much content to detect you "breaking" it. Well of course, there is the profile shows yours stage progression but try to upgrade your squad as much as possible, the difficulty of this game is not based on combat power at all so it won't be too suspicious
Is there any way to save progress?

So I found out the problem.... My non modded apk is not exactly the same version as the Modded one. I downloaded the other one from playstore and i can install over it

You can use the 3 links I linked in my previous post (or the post I replied to) to check how to install over your modded game with unmodded one to login/link and then install over with the modded game again ( I am unsure if you can instal unmodded over modded, but u can install unmodded over modded with the link tutorial).
now it's really complicated, and why doesn't @Yunana24 make the unsigned version, I'm a bit confused, it's easier to make the unsigned version, please @Yunana24 make it.
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