M Mamar1 Rookie Jun 15, 2021 #128 Hello, how can i register? When i quick register it doesnt pop anything at all
N naelith Platinian Jun 15, 2021 #129 it's rare to have english version of private x) Let's test this :D
N naelith Platinian Jun 15, 2021 #130 After test: Stucked in black screen with some chinese symbol maybe i must wait a moment for see if the sever is down atm ^^
After test: Stucked in black screen with some chinese symbol maybe i must wait a moment for see if the sever is down atm ^^
M msutanb23 Platinian Jun 16, 2021 #137 Thamuz said: Is there any redemption code? Click to expand...
P pencaribosam Rookie Jun 18, 2021 #140 I waited so long, any solution? Attachments Screenshot_2021-06-19-02-32-20-13_cc558d76587480c0c8d80762b56e5ec3.jpg 505 KB · Views: 83