Outdated Esports King Ver. 1.2.9 MOD Menu APK | Destroy Enemy

The mod is not dumb mods, but is no mods sprawning. Unable to clock the weekly challenge (kill count) because there is no mods sprawning. Only deathmatch has.
This mod only just for scrim (leveling up), you will need bypass to complete event and PVP

From what i play, i think this game still incomplete.
Nah this mod is to let you win event and pvp.

For scrim, you need the normal app for you to clock killing weekly.

This mod is not what it claims itself to be. This mod is instead a No Enemy Spawn mod.

However, this NoEnemySpawn mod neither works for Deathmatch-type Scrims, nor PvP battles. It works for other Scrim types.

@GNaFF Could you update the description of your mod? Thanks.

Unless, you are able to add a real 'DumbEnemy' mod, which would be amazing for PvP and Deathmatch-type Scrims.
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