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Open Request European War 7: Medieval



Game Name: European War 7: Medieval

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited Gold
  • Unlimited Medals
  • Shop available in offline mode
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> most of games crash after using cheat engines , at least games from Easy Tech company
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Upvote 1

As said, I am not a pro modder, made this just to get resource.

How to use:
1- Run mod with Nox in a PC. In game, start with downloading the progress from server
2- Medal: See below pic, you can buy 1000 medals with 2 medals
3- General: You can buy premium hero in the second tab, there are many pages, get the hero with good properties (see pic)
4- General upgrade: you can upgrade hero with ability points, max is +100 for each skill.
5- You can upload again and play with your phone as normal. (remember to download progress to update the resource when play with your phone again)


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