Broken Link ExaGear - Windows Emulator (exclusive)

Hi, thanks for the apk, I tried it but I have doubts, is it possible that games like Age of Empires 2, Couter Strike 1.6, Gta San Andreas, among others work? And if so, where is the root folder (name and location) to place their respective files? Thank you

Counter Strike & Halflife works, same as UT2004, NFS Underground etc. For GTA use the original cracked APK Version ?
Underground 1 portable

Hint: this is like real windows means, net framework, java, directx all can be installed ?
Hmmm i was testing with compressed wersion of NFSU to see if its working. I didn't know this emulator can go with that. Is there a way to add shortcuts?
Hmmm i was testing with compressed wersion of NFSU to see if its working. I didn't know this emulator can go with that. Is there a way to add shortcuts?

Shortcut gets auto added to desktop if the program/Game supports it (tested with steam)
Shortcut gets auto added to desktop if the program/Game supports it (tested with steam)

Nah I don't get shortcut. Btw i cant get NFSU to start from sone reason. I've insyalled DirrctX 9.0c, netframework for Xp and still nothing. Any advice?
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