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Broken Link ExaGear - Windows Emulator (exclusive)

Counter Strike & Halflife works, same as UT2004, NFS Underground etc. For GTA use the original cracked APK Version ?
Underground 1 portable

Hint: this is like real windows means, net framework, java, directx all can be installed ?
Hmmm i was testing with compressed wersion of NFSU to see if its working. I didn't know this emulator can go with that. Is there a way to add shortcuts?
Hmmm i was testing with compressed wersion of NFSU to see if its working. I didn't know this emulator can go with that. Is there a way to add shortcuts?

Shortcut gets auto added to desktop if the program/Game supports it (tested with steam)
Shortcut gets auto added to desktop if the program/Game supports it (tested with steam)

Nah I don't get shortcut. Btw i cant get NFSU to start from sone reason. I've insyalled DirrctX 9.0c, netframework for Xp and still nothing. Any advice?
I have the same problem, can't do anything in the windows, nothing start up, only that number

Open the windows
Then click Local Disc C: tab
Click the + sign to add a new "Container"
Right click in the Container - Start
Windiws will start then
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