Game Name: Fairy Farm - Games For Girls
Google Play Store Link: Fairy Farm - Games for Girls - Apps on Google Play
APK Link: Fairy Farm for Android - APK Download
Cheat Requested: Unlimited Crystals and Unlimited Energy
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GameKiller, GameGuardian, SBGameHacker, CreeHack, LeoPlayCard, CheatEngine, GameCIH, Xmodgames, GamePad (for entering cheat codes), and I tried to alter the root files myself.
I also searched for mods online many many times. There is one mod online, which is duplicated to basically every mod site out there. It has been played to level 20 and a lot of the landscape has been purchased and designed, and quests are complete. This should not be considered a legitimate mod. It's a waste of data and time for a gamer to keep downloading the same worthless file from various sources. Please help if you can! Thanks very much to those who can mod this.
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