Open Request Family Island - Farm game adventure


Solid & Active Platinian
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I would like to add my name to this request to. I have only been playing this game for a short while and although it is a very addictive game, the constant lack of energy encourages "pay wall" progress only and not cheaply either!

Would very much appreciate if you lovely modders could come up with a solution to creating an infinite energy mod, not to worried about the gems etc. Thank you ever so much 💜
For those who only need to "hack" energy, I made a short video on how to with GameGuardian, I don't know the likelihood of a ban though, so test this with a dummy account first and see for yourself! And I would also only do small amounts, for example 500 and when you run out, another 500 - so that you don't get detected by the system.

Also, don't cheat Experience Points with GameGuardian, it will be detected really easily and automatically ban you. ♡

The Video is great. I did it. First with a dummy account (and then this morning with my real one) . so easy :)
It is working like a charm. You are my Hero @Guuji.
For those who only need to "hack" energy, I made a short video on how to with GameGuardian, I don't know the likelihood of a ban though, so test this with a dummy account first and see for yourself! And I would also only do small amounts, for example 500 and when you run out, another 500 - so that you don't get detected by the system.

Also, don't cheat Experience Points with GameGuardian, it will be detected really easily and automatically ban you. ♡

i tried this before, this is actually work you just need a full energy before you proceed to the cheat or gameguardian

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