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Outdated Final Fate TD Ver. 18.0 MOD MENU APK | Damage Multiplier (x1 - x10000) |

It crash, maybe because 2.8 mb unavoidable download or you should tap the exit. Even i already do the obb trick it always pop the download windows, any advise?


  • Screenshot_2020-09-13-17-19-35-330_com.gamesword.twtm.jpg
    101.9 KB · Views: 103
Not working 101%... It keeps on crashing when you try to play as a guest (since you cant play using google or FB). Anyhow thanks still for giving us a little hope and I know you're trying to fix it.
It crash, maybe because 2.8 mb unavoidable download or you should tap the exit. Even i already do the obb trick it always pop the download windows, any advise?
do not update it before you copy the obb file. here is the step : install > give permission > on update pop up choose exit > copy obb > relaunch > update and play.

thanks me later
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final fate td final fate td apk final fate td cheat final fate td hack final fate td mod mika cybertron mika cybertron mod mika cybertron pmt mikacybertron

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