Bozzant Awesome Active Platinian Aug 17, 2023 #50 Please fix sir, after install just white and black screen
Platimus Awesome Active Platinian Aug 18, 2023 #53 Fore some reason my game doesn't open. Keeps looping in after opening the game, I already tried the access to floating window but it's still the same. Can someone help?
Fore some reason my game doesn't open. Keeps looping in after opening the game, I already tried the access to floating window but it's still the same. Can someone help?
J jiuyuan Awesome Active Platinian Aug 18, 2023 #54 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
H Helpmeplaz Platinian Aug 18, 2023 #56 So far, it works on my phone and bluestack 5 but not my fire hd 10+ 2021 edition.